Wednesday, January 30, 2013

DD (and I don't mean double divas)

This one time I was a designated driver. I am never the designated driver, for one thing I am a terrible driver, and for another even when I say I will DD I usually end up getting hammered and passing the glorious job off on someone else. The other night however my karma caught up with me and I was conned into driving. I was at the mall with my gal pal and man friend told me he was going to the pub to watch the Raven’s game with a friend. I told him to have fun and got my shop on. When we were ready to head home a few hours later my GF and I were starving, I asked her if she wanted to meet up with the guys for some nutritious bar food. She said hells ya, so we went. Man friend and his crazy friend were shwasted when we arrived. The bartender came over and I ordered a miller lite, my girlfriend proceeded to order a double jack and coke, she slammed that one and ordered a second. Here I was halfway into a miller lite surrounded by three drunk people!!! A trap I tell you!! I ended up driving everyone to a second bar, then taking everyone home, and returning to the second bar to pick up another friend to drive him home. I felt like a hero. It actually wasn’t nearly as bad as I always imagined being DD would be. Not that I ever want to do it again, but it wasn’t awful.

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