In case you have been living under a rock, or this is the first time you are reading my blog: I am obsessed with dogs.
Like real obsessed. Particularly with my own.
My dog is Fred if you don't know. He is a giant pitt/lab mix and he is the light of my life. He has his own about me page, you can read it here.
Now, I have had dogs all my life. Literally, my parents had one when I was born so this obsession is not new.
Shit got taken to a whole new level when I got my own though.
I remember a time before I had my own dog when I thought people who referred to their pets as their babies were weirdos. I mean I always liked animals a lot and everything, but I just didn't quite get it.
But today I am here to confess I have become that weirdo. And even though he probably won't admit it, Jose is too.
Here are 10 sure fire ways to tell you have crossed over to the dark side and become a weird dog parent:
1. You can't go on vacation without getting your dog a souvenir. I know he doesn't know the difference between a gourmet cookie from a dog bakery in New York or a Milkbone from Target, but I can't help myself. Fred always, always gets a souvenir.
2. You miss the shit out of your pet when you go out of town. We try to bring Fred on vaca whenever possible, but sometimes it is not an option. And when that happens, I miss him more than I care to admit.
3. You spend more money on their food than your own.
4. You have on more than one occasion discussed the consistency of their poo. I hate myself a little for the fact that I have had a conversation about a turd.
5. You refer to yourself as mom when you speak to your dog. Once again, hate myself just a bit.
6. Your dog has multiple collars and leashes for various occasions.
7. Your dog sleeps in your bed, even though it is super uncomfortable for you.
8. You pay money for your dog to go to daycare. He's a fuc*ing dog, he does not need daycare...I know this, yet send him anyway.
9. You worry your dog is mad at you or doesn't love you when he doesn't get enough attention. I forget he would have been shipped to the glue factory if I didn't adopt him, and let him get away with murder. Jose and I also sometimes argue about who Fred loves more...I am sure this is healthy behavior.
10. You have playdates with your friends and their dogs. Fred has more friends than most people. Probably because he is so stinkin cute. When we have a party, there are literally dogs everywhere and our house becomes a goddamn zoo. I love it.

i'm not joking when i say pets are like kids.. you love them and would do anything for them. if we had a dog, i guarantee he would be a second child to me.
Haha I have so been a weird dog parent for a long time...but I can't help it they are just too cute!
HAHA I am the same way!!! I love my pups so much! I hate when they get mad at me!
So true. I buy my dog natural and organic and whatever else food and it is so effing expensive. And me? I'll eat McDonalds with like 1000 chemicals in it... I'm a weird do owner too and proud of it!
Fred is so gorgeous. GAH. And I always feel guilty too when Bo doesn't get enough play time. I need to remember that his happy ass would probably be in pup heaven right now if it werent for us!
We are the same! I can relate to everyone single one of those items. It's gotten so bad that my fiancé and I have caught ourselves referring to each other as "momma" and "daddy" even when the dogs aren't in the same room as us. Whoops!
ohhhhh man this must mean im a dog freakshow. i honestly contemplated NOT going on a trip because we couldnt bring scoobs. also he eats that blue buffalo wilderness shit. $60 a bag? WTFFFFFFFFFF
duh he's adorable! and you know I do all these things. Also Lil knows who "mommy" and "daddy" are. if you ask her to find one of us she'll run and get excited when she gets to us. I LOVE IT
Fred is so handsome! And I also love that he has a "people" name. Before I found mine homes, I was the total clique dog mom. I miss them, a lot :/
HAHAHA! I love this!! Whenever I leave town I always text my mom and I'm like, "take a picture of the dogs and send it to me!"...every hour on the hour! LOL
hahaha yes love this!! especially about the whole food part. my dog eats better than i do sometimes!
This post makes my heart so so so happy. And so so so sad at the same time. I'm on number 2 right now. :( :( :(
#1 - Hawkeye has a Disney World bandana, a pink shirt from the bahamas with dolphins on it, and the chips from the mini bar in vegas cause she doesnt do "dog food"
#3 - Yup, just instagrammed that shit. Also, her taco bell order is more than my taco bell order, because someone got too good for tacos and now needs steak quesadillas and her own nachos.
#5 - Not ashamed for a minute.
This is too funny almost each one is scary close to my life.
Pretty much my life as a grumpy cat owner. :)
So many of these are true for me. I talk about missing my dogs way too much when I'm on vacation. I leave for a week on Friday and already have anxiety about leaving them. And I absolutely get them souvenirs.
1-10 apply in our household. #9 is what caused us to get a second dog. We didn't want Quincy to be lonely and it helped take the pressure off of him to love us both the same.
Aww, how cute! I have never had a dog but people seem so incredible attached!
Sparkles and Shoes
So... all 10 of these are true for me. *hangs head in shame* Glad I'm not the only one!
2,5,7,9,10. And last night I let my furchild finish my popcicle, after which my husband concluded she is officially the most spoiled dog on the planet.
These are all so true. Seamus is my baby and I take him to my Dad's when I go on vacation where he gets to play with his Auntie pup. I bake him homemade treats too after a recall from treats he was eating. He sleeps in my bed even though he wakes me up everyday (weekend too) at 5:30 am. Love that little ball of fur!!
Basically substitute "cat" and this is me. Although if I had a dog I bet I'd be the same way. I just got a cat when I moved out of my parents' house because she was small and easy to take care of and now I'm obsessed with her, only the difference is while your dog probably appreciates all of your doting...cats aren't really good at that whole "unconditional love" thing haha!
cute. I refer to mine to call me Sis. LOL would weird for him to call me mom when his mom and my mom are the same person
was gonna grab your button but couldnt find it.
sometimes when i'm mad at mac i like to whisper in his ear "i'm not your real mom. you're adopted."
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