Monday, July 1, 2013

9 Strangers Picked to Share a Cabin

I pretty much was on the real world this weekend guys. Except the only camera was my own, and we were all in our late instead of early 20's, oh yeah and I knew most of the people before we moved in together, but otherwise totally the same.

Saturday was my girlfriend's 30th birthday. To celebrate, her husband rented a sweet ass cabin on the Shenandoah River for the weekend. In addition to them + manfriend and I, there was one other couple (we had never met), and three single guys (we knew one of them). Luckily we all got along really well and had a pretty rowdy weekend. There was a lot of booze involved so that helped us to get to know each other quite well.

Friday night Jose, Fred, and I arrived at the cabin. We had a few road sodas on the way, so we were in great spirits. Most of the others were already there as the lucky bastards all had Friday off work. The couple we had never met made dinner for everyone and we drank and hung out in the hot tub and around the fire all night. 

Saturday morning we woke up bright and early for a nutritious breakfast of bloody marys then headed to the river to canoe for the day. Canoeing was quite a shit show as we all drank our body weights in beer and Fireball Whiskey. Jose and my canoe capsized twice during the trip, once when we were trying to help our friend who's boat had flipped and the second time when Fred freaked out because of a rapid and started running in the canoe...that wasn't even the exciting part of the day though, that happened when the couple we just met got engaged on the river! It was cute as shit, he tied the ring to his shorts and then dove to the bottom of the water to "find a rock". 

Sunday morning before we headed home Jose, Fred, and I hiked off our hangovers in Shenandoah National Park. It was fricken gorgeous. 

All in all an amazing weekend and I also learned when you put nine adults together in a house they act like toddlers. Don't believe me?? Just watch the real world.

Seven reasons, grown ass adults sharing a house are just like toddlers:

1.) They are super messy. Within thirty minutes of getting to the adorable log cabin, the place was trashed. Everyone's shit was scattered throughout the house, dishes were everywhere and it was a goddamn disaster. Much like the way children seem to think throwing toys on the floor is acceptable. 

2.) They eat like shit. Kid's seriously have the worst diets unless their parent's are super persistent about it. My niece lives on bread and chicken nuggets, even though my sister tries super hard to make her eat a balanced diet...she just won't. Little ones love chips and candy and all kinds of processed crap. Guess what, so do drunk adults on vacation. I literally had tortilla chips and 5 layer dip for dinner one night, paired with beer of course. Oh and the way they eat is the same as well, Friday night I watched three grown men eat steaks with their hands toddler style.

3.) They need their bottles or they get crabby. Toddlers need milk and us adults like our vodka and beer, but try and deny either one their bottle and things get ugly real fast.

4.) They fight about ridiculous things. Remember as a little one you used to get all pissy when your sibling, "called you a shut up"? Or crossed the imaginary line in the back seat?? Put 9 drunks together and the arguments are strikingly similar. The make up time is just as quick too.

5.) They need their sleep. After a drunken day on the river, we were all passed out in bed by 10pm. That is probably the same as the bedtime of children in the summer, but I wouldn't really know because I am not much of a kid person.

6.) They do reckless things and get hurt a lot. You should see my legs, it looks like I was in a war. Most of the guys jumped off cliffs and rope swings along the river (I would have too, but I was far to drunk when we encountered them). 

7.) They hate to clean. As a little one my mom used to have to force my sister and me to clean our rooms. When we did actually clean, we felt shoving our belongings under our bed was a good solution. On the last day of the trip when we had to clean the cabin up no one wanted to do it. It was pretty pathetic watching everyone try to get out of it. Needless to say I did a lot of it because I am a clean freak and I was unlucky enough to wake up early. 

(click little kid images for the links, I stole these pics from the interweb.)

Sami's Shenanigans


Anonymous said...

Um, I spy a drink with bacon. Please tell me more.

Not the point of this post, I'm sure, but please share some details. I am loving that.

Chloe said...

I think I live most of those ways too often. Especially healthy dinners like chips and m&ms. Sounds like a badass weekend.

Chelsee W said...

Haha I bet it was like animal house lol I love reading your Monday posts..they are so dang funny..I learned a long time ago that drinking and canoeing don't mix lol

Anonymous said...

Haha what an awesome weekend, and so true about drunk adults and children! I know I can definitely be about as reasonable as a toddler when I need a nap, so maybe this hit a little close to home... ;-)


Miss Riss said...

Holy smokes does this look like fun!! Hilarious!!

Helene said...

hahahahaha omg erin love this post. perfect. and yes.

Krista @ Kristie's Blue Jeans said...

I am super jealous of this weekend "shit show" hahaha! It makes me wish I still had rowdy friends to hang around with. Glad it was awesome!

Tami said...

This trip looks soo amazing! And I never would have made it canoeing after a night of drinking. So props to you!

Kim Brown said...

Looks like so much fun! Um, is that bacon in your booze? If so, sign me up!!!

kailyn said...

this is awesome. i love it. can i join next time?

Tiffany Khyla said...

Haha this is so great. And so true. I guess we never really do grow up, do we? Oh well.

shannon said...

