So now I present you with another high five for Friday because as you know I really like making these damn collages...I have even been making them for work, it's getting to be a problem.
1. So Wendesday I decided enough was enough of this work bullshit and called in sick. In my defense I did wake up with a headache and I had nothing major on my plate. I felt pretty awesome after I slept in until 9:30 so I decided to take Fred to the park, then had some lunch and finished the day off at the pool with a book. I swear to Jesus I'm not nakie in this picture, and that is pool water not sweat. Though it was a scorcher, and I may or may not have had a little sliparoo when I was doing're welcome lifeguard. You're welcome. I highly recommend calling in "sick" every now and again. It really does a body good.
2. I reached two goals in yoga which made me pretty happy. Sorry I talk about it a lot, but I feel like a whole new woman since I jumped on the yoga wagon. I do not know what either of the poses I managed this week are called but one involves grabbing your hands behind your back in a weird twisted position, I have never quite been able to do it until this week. I am by no means good yet, but I am getting a little better every class. This photo is not me, I look more like a special needs walrus than she does when I practice.
3. As you all know if you read my bloggo this week, I am a celebrity now. That's right, I was filmed for an interview on the local cable access channel. Move over Tami, there is a new anchor woman in town. Oh yeah, and read her blog, because she is the cat's ass. Speaking of ass, the same day I became a news star, Fred the dog decided to puke all over my house as I was walking out the door. Apparently he doesn't know that celebrities are glamorous and don't clean up dog vomit.
4. I know you all think I am just a big drunken sassafras, but believe it or not I have high hopes too. I have decided this weekend I am going to try really hard not to drink like a fish or eat like a pig. It is going to be rough because those are two of my greatest talents, but I ate pretty crummy all week. Ate crummy in the tune of I chowed down a pint of Ben and Jerry's fro yo in two days. That's not good. I also have been indulging in my fair share of booze the last few weekends so I am going to give it the old college try and be healthy this weekend. There is a good chance I will fail, but hey at least I'm trying.
5. One of my friends is going through some shit right now. I spent a good amount of time this week talking to him about it all. As much as I hate to see my friend hurting, it also was a good reminder that I have a lot to be thankful for. I have a lot of love in my life and that is pretty excellent. Including all you crazies that read my blog. I love you guys.
That's it guys happy weekend. And in honor of being happy about having awesome friends here is an oldie but a goodie.

HAHA this is awesome! I need a clip of your segment stat!
Biz Markie? Hell yes. Also I love that you announced publicly on your blog that you called in sick to work.
I always feel so guilty for calling in to work. But it's so worth it. You need a copy of that interview so we you can post it.
Yes, yes, yes to your calling in sick to work. I fully agree. I do it every other month or so. At minimum. Of course, when I need the sick leave, I will have to use leave without pay, but one day of that is a-ok and worth it!
I like to refer to my "sick days" as "mental health days." It's true, an occasional mental health day really does the body good!
I need a sick day like that for sure. Sounds wonderful.
I don't approve of your healthy weekend plans. Not at all.
Not naked, not sweat...oookkkaaayy! LOL. Celebs should not have to clean up vomit. EVER! Isn't sick days for boozy beach days or have I been doing it wrong? ;) Have a great weekend, good music pick!
i agree; personal days are needed and the employed folks in canada get 5 (paid) sick days a year so why not use them?
today is my day off which is very needed considering all the work bullshit i've been going through... they also made me cancel my staycation (booo!) so to make up for it, i booked off every friday from today until september so short work weeks are ahead yahoo!!
happy friday!!
That photo of you hammered got me excited until I saw that you're trying not to have fun this weekend.
laughed SO hard about Fred vomming. He keeps you grounded
Haha! I am so glad that Tami now knows that she is the Cat's ass! You gave me a good laugh today!
I took a half day and spent it at the choice ever!
And I just love #5 all around
Oh lawd. I need to see this news clip as soon as possible. Dog puke is gross. You can get your maid to clean it (since you're a celeb now and you obviously hired one).
It sounds like you had a great week, have a great weekend!
Sparkles and Shoes
you know what's hilarious? that i totally say i'm not going to drink every.single.night. and then i fail. so how's it going? can we try together?
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