Just when I think I have seen it all, the interweb goes and throws me a new one.
The other day as I was watching the old boob tube I saw a commercial for a new dating service.
For farmers. I shit you not.
See for yourself: www.farmersonly.com
There are just so many choices out there to hunt for men I can't even handle it.
From time to time I miss the single life. Kissing new boys every night and going on first dates and all that jazz, but honestly if I were to suddenly to become single and decided to go the online dating route...I don't even know where I would begin.
Back in the old days there used to be eHarmony and Match.com. Now you have like 18,000 options.
There are dating sites for Jews, and Christians, and blacks only, and geezers, and now farmers apparently.
I guess if the time ever comes, I will just have to start my own dating site and it will be called: hotrichfunctionalalcohalics.com. Because that's my type.
To be honest though, I will probably just use the casual encounters section of Craigslist. I love me some Craigslist.
This will be my ad: Hey there, I really like peanut butter, text messaging, and dogs. If you buy me dinner and drinks somewhere fancy I will show you a boob. But just one. My sweet skills include; TV watching, hula hooping, and doing impressions. I am also ridiculously good at charades and Catch Phrase. Looking for a cute guy who resembles Matthew McConaughey (before he got skinny) and drives a motorcycle. A good job and tattoos are a must. What are you waiting for, give me a call!
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
TV shows I belong in...
1. Smash. Unfortunately I cannot sing, dance, or act for that matter; but if I could I would be a Broadway star. I have been obsessed with the theater ever since I forgot all my lines when I had the lead in the middle school play. If only my parents had been a bit more like the Toddler and Tiara moms, maybe my dream would have been realized.
2. Chopped. I legitimately think I stand a good shot at winning chopped. I love to cook almost as much as I love to eat, and I am pretty good at creating tasty treats out of strange ingredients. As long as I didn't get any weird ass meat in my mystery basket I think the ten grand would be mine.
3. How I Met Your Mother. I would like to be a part of this show for three reasons. First, I want to bang Marshall Erickson. And no, I do not care that he is married. Second, the extent to which this group this group of friends is all up in each other's business is so similar to my own group of friends it is ridiculous. Lastly, I love to drink as much if not more than these crazy kids, so I would fit right in.
4. Modern Family. With the exception of not having a Colombian step mom, or a gay brother, I pretty much feel like these guys are the same as my family. We are all certifiably insane and the house turns into a goddamn zoo anytime we are all together.
5. Mad Men. My god do I want to be in this one. I work in advertising, love to smoke cigarettes (don't worry I don't do it, but I will always love them), and the clothes....sweet Jesus the clothes.
What show do you belong to?
Monday, July 29, 2013
the day I turned everything good bad
Another weekend has come and gone. It was aight, but nothing really to write home about.
I got a little drunk Friday night, watched Identity Thief and got an oil change on Saturday, and spent some QT at the pool on Sunday.
On Saturday in addition to spending some cashola at the local Mr. Tire, Jose and I decided to go for a bike ride.
What a healthy and wholesome thing to do you might be thinking. Wrong. We ruined it all by getting lunch mid bike ride at the new barbecue joint in town. I went with the smoked turkey and green beans. That might not sound so bad except for the fact that I slathered said turkey with all kinds of sauce and the green beans were made extra delicious with the addition of bacon.
Later that night I decided to continue on in that vein and made a few more healthy things not so healthy when I turned cauliflower and carrots into chicken wings and fries.
And here my friends is that recipe.
Buffalo Cauliflower and Carrot Fries
You Will Need:
1 head of cauliflower
4 carrots
Olive oil
1 cup flour
1 cup water
Franks red hot sauce
Garlic and onion powder
Greek yogurt
Ranch seasonings
Directions for buffalo cauliflower:
-Preheat over to 350.
-Clean the cauliflower and then break it up into bite sized pieces.
-Combine 1 cup flour with 1 cup water in a bowl and whisk until smooth. Stir in a few shakes of garlic and onion powder and a few dashes of Frank's.
-Dip each piece of cauliflower into the mixture and coat completely. Place the coated pieces onto a cookie sheet (spray the sheet with oil...I skipped this and it stuck a bit).
-Bake for 20 minutes.
-While the cauliflower is baking combine a shit ton of the Frank's hot sauce with a little melted butter and stir until well mixed. Pour the mixture over the cauliflower after it has baked 20 min and continue to bake for 5 more minutes.
Directions for ranch dipping sauce:
-Put one small cup of Greek yogurt into a bowl.
-Whisk in ranch seasonings. (I used dill, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, pepper, and parsley. You could also just use regular ranch (but I always like to make things more difficult for myself).
Directions for carrot fries:
-Peel and slice carrots into thin fry like sticks.
-Lightly coat carrots with olive oil and a bit of salt.
-Bake at 350 until crispy. (20 min or so)
Now I won't lie and say this tastes just like wings and fries but it is still pretty damn good.
I got a little drunk Friday night, watched Identity Thief and got an oil change on Saturday, and spent some QT at the pool on Sunday.
On Saturday in addition to spending some cashola at the local Mr. Tire, Jose and I decided to go for a bike ride.
What a healthy and wholesome thing to do you might be thinking. Wrong. We ruined it all by getting lunch mid bike ride at the new barbecue joint in town. I went with the smoked turkey and green beans. That might not sound so bad except for the fact that I slathered said turkey with all kinds of sauce and the green beans were made extra delicious with the addition of bacon.
Later that night I decided to continue on in that vein and made a few more healthy things not so healthy when I turned cauliflower and carrots into chicken wings and fries.
And here my friends is that recipe.
Buffalo Cauliflower and Carrot Fries
You Will Need:
1 head of cauliflower
4 carrots
Olive oil
1 cup flour
1 cup water
Franks red hot sauce
Garlic and onion powder
Greek yogurt
Ranch seasonings
Directions for buffalo cauliflower:
-Preheat over to 350.
-Clean the cauliflower and then break it up into bite sized pieces.
-Combine 1 cup flour with 1 cup water in a bowl and whisk until smooth. Stir in a few shakes of garlic and onion powder and a few dashes of Frank's.
-Dip each piece of cauliflower into the mixture and coat completely. Place the coated pieces onto a cookie sheet (spray the sheet with oil...I skipped this and it stuck a bit).
-Bake for 20 minutes.
-While the cauliflower is baking combine a shit ton of the Frank's hot sauce with a little melted butter and stir until well mixed. Pour the mixture over the cauliflower after it has baked 20 min and continue to bake for 5 more minutes.
Directions for ranch dipping sauce:
-Put one small cup of Greek yogurt into a bowl.
-Whisk in ranch seasonings. (I used dill, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, pepper, and parsley. You could also just use regular ranch (but I always like to make things more difficult for myself).
Directions for carrot fries:
-Peel and slice carrots into thin fry like sticks.
-Lightly coat carrots with olive oil and a bit of salt.
-Bake at 350 until crispy. (20 min or so)
Now I won't lie and say this tastes just like wings and fries but it is still pretty damn good.
Friday, July 26, 2013
a different kind of fan
I am gonna be real honest with you here...I am not a sports fan.
I was super uncoordinated in high school but wanted to be part of a team so I had to run track and cross country. No one chooses to run as their sport, it is because you are too blonde to kick a ball while you are doing it.
The fact that I do not particularly like/understand sports does not hold me back however. In fact I am an excellent companion at any sporting event...unless you actually want to watch the game.
So today I am going to share with you a few quick ways to enjoy games without actually watching them. It is going to be real short and sweet like my attention span because I have got a meeting to get to.
1. Dress the part. Just because you can't name a single stat and only know the names of the players you want to bang, does not mean you can't show some team spirit. I love to bust out my Tigers and Michigan State gear despite knowing zilch about the teams. Also keep in mind Victoria's Secret now carries adorable team clothing, or you can always leave your seat and shop for some cute apparel in the stadium. The prices are a little high for my liking, but once in a while when manfriend is drunk enough he will give me some walking around money during a game.
2. Tattoo your face. Always, always tattoo your face. Because let's be honest here, everyone looks goddamn adorable with a logo on their check. Apply said tattoo before you start drinking though, or it may wind up ass backwards. I may or may not be speaking from experience here.
3. The most fool proof way to enjoy a sporting event is to get shitfaced. This is my go to at any game I am not particularly interested in. Now this rule does not apply for baseball (at least for me). When it comes to baseball, there is a small window between sobriety and wastedness where I genuinely enjoy and can sit still for an entire 9 innings. See also: tipsy. If I get drunk all bets are off and I wander the stadium, if sober I will fall asleep...it is an art form really. When it comes to basketball, hockey and football the best option is to get sloshed...it will cost you a pretty penny if you opt for the stadium bars, but it is money well spent if you ask me.
4. Make friends. Any mediocre situation can transform into awesomesauce if you meet some cool peeps. I like to wander the halls and talk to everyone. I do the same in my seat. I also happen to have a manfriend who everyone in the world loves and wants to be bffs with so that helps out too. The cuties pictured above on the right are my sweet niece Evie and her best friend Cam. Your welcome for that little slice of adorable.
5. Lastly, if you simply cannot get on the wagon of the usual suspects, (baseball, football, hockey, basketball) simply find sports you love and just run with that. I for example much prefer beer pong and tubing to football so I spend my free time perfecting those crafts not punting balls. (that sounds so dirty and I like it).
And because no sporting event is complete without a little Jock Jams...here you go.
3. The most fool proof way to enjoy a sporting event is to get shitfaced. This is my go to at any game I am not particularly interested in. Now this rule does not apply for baseball (at least for me). When it comes to baseball, there is a small window between sobriety and wastedness where I genuinely enjoy and can sit still for an entire 9 innings. See also: tipsy. If I get drunk all bets are off and I wander the stadium, if sober I will fall asleep...it is an art form really. When it comes to basketball, hockey and football the best option is to get sloshed...it will cost you a pretty penny if you opt for the stadium bars, but it is money well spent if you ask me.
4. Make friends. Any mediocre situation can transform into awesomesauce if you meet some cool peeps. I like to wander the halls and talk to everyone. I do the same in my seat. I also happen to have a manfriend who everyone in the world loves and wants to be bffs with so that helps out too. The cuties pictured above on the right are my sweet niece Evie and her best friend Cam. Your welcome for that little slice of adorable.
5. Lastly, if you simply cannot get on the wagon of the usual suspects, (baseball, football, hockey, basketball) simply find sports you love and just run with that. I for example much prefer beer pong and tubing to football so I spend my free time perfecting those crafts not punting balls. (that sounds so dirty and I like it).
And because no sporting event is complete without a little Jock Jams...here you go.

Thursday, July 25, 2013
Effing Twitter
Or should I say eff you Twitter.
I think that is a little more accurate since Twitter decided to go mega bitch on me the other night.
There I was laying in bed watching my stories when my phone starts blowing up. My first reaction was great I have finally made it in the blogging cult world and everyone is commenting on my post. Then I was all like no way, maybe I am being offered all of the 38 jobs I applied to last week. To my dismay it was simply multiple emails letting me know my Tweet machine had been hacked.
Apparently some little troll in Twit land managed to get into my account and send private messages to almost every single person I follow. Sorry Kim Kardashian, I know you're a new mom and ain't got time for that.
These messages are also called DM's as I learned. Now I never even knew you could send a direct message so there is one silver lining to this scandal. The messages my account were sending were pretty wild, even by my standards. I didn't open them because I was scared my computer might implode, but I know one contained some pretty bad language. And not the swears I like to use, but words that would make me throw someone out of my house if I heard them uttered. So I am sorry if you got any crazy message from me, I wasn't even drunk on Tuesday so you know it really wasn't me.
To be honest I still really don't understand the Twitter and I am not entirely sure I even like it. There are some things I like, such as reading funny little comments people post and whatnot. But a part of me still feels like a geriatric granny attempting to use a TV remote when I tweet.
I think that is a little more accurate since Twitter decided to go mega bitch on me the other night.
There I was laying in bed watching my stories when my phone starts blowing up. My first reaction was great I have finally made it in the blogging cult world and everyone is commenting on my post. Then I was all like no way, maybe I am being offered all of the 38 jobs I applied to last week. To my dismay it was simply multiple emails letting me know my Tweet machine had been hacked.
Apparently some little troll in Twit land managed to get into my account and send private messages to almost every single person I follow. Sorry Kim Kardashian, I know you're a new mom and ain't got time for that.
These messages are also called DM's as I learned. Now I never even knew you could send a direct message so there is one silver lining to this scandal. The messages my account were sending were pretty wild, even by my standards. I didn't open them because I was scared my computer might implode, but I know one contained some pretty bad language. And not the swears I like to use, but words that would make me throw someone out of my house if I heard them uttered. So I am sorry if you got any crazy message from me, I wasn't even drunk on Tuesday so you know it really wasn't me.
Being that I am a marketing professional I know that I need to get a grip on this shit. And mark my words I am trying. I realize Twitter can be a powerful marketing tool and all that jazz, and I hope Sarah was right when she suggested I orchestrated this little Twitter scandal for some free publicity. So follow my blog and Twitter guys, maybe I will send you a an inappropriate message ;)
Now I will say, I get a little giddy anytime someone mentions one of my posts on the Tweet a leet. Like yesterday for example two of my very favorite bloggers mentioned my crazy ass prison post and I had double the page views I normally receive. That made me one happy panda. And then I ruined that happiness by taking two classes back to back at the gym and I currently can't move...you win some you loose some. But whatever, thanks Helene and Adriana. Ya'll are alright.
The one and only thing I have actually mastered on the Twitter is having fun conversations with people I like. I always feel a little bit like I am Match dot comming when I carry on with my interweb frands, but I don't care. I like them a lot and I want to meet them all in real life soon. The lengthy convos on Twitter remind me of my AOL instant messanger days and I don't hate it one bit. And just so you know, my screen name in the AIM days was EDAWG25325 (I was a thug in middle school I guess)
I also feel pretty cool in that I follow several celebrities on Twitter. I enjoy reading the Tweets of comedians the most, but Rhianna posts some pretty crazy shit as well and it makes me have a slight crush on her from time to time. I personally follow a handful of TV shows too, just so I can take my television addiction to that next level.
And just like anything else in life Twitter can be dangerous when you are drunk. I really need to learn to sensor myself a tad when I have been drinking, or all my celebrity friends might start to judge.
And, that is all I know about Twitter.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
locked up
So, one of the nerdier things I am super into is podcasts. I really can't get enough.
I listen to them everyday on my drive to and from work because the talk radio in these parts sucks.
One of my faves is Alec Baldwin's show Here's the Thing. I am not sure if I actually like the show, or if I just listen because of his dreamy voice.
He sounds like buttah...like up there with Mr. Freeman buttah. I love it a lot.
The episode I listened to last night was an interview with this dude who spent a bunch of years working in the New York prison system. If there is something I love more than Alec Baldwin it is shit about prisons. Creepy, maybe...but I dig anything to do with prisons.
I blame it on my 4th grade Girl Scout leader who took our troop on a field trip to the county jail. Young girls + inmates, am I the only one who felt that was a bit on the odd side?
But I digress, the podcast got me thinking about how much ass it would suck to be stuck in prison. Unless you had really fun cellmates of course, then it might be kind of ok.
I would hate to be locked up, but I can think of a few places I hate even more....
Walmart. I literally feel sick in that store. I dislike the politics of the company and the folks I see in my local branch make me sad for humanity. Real sad.
Any type of auto repair shop. I know nothing about cars and always feel like I am being royally screwed the second I have to deal with anything vehicle related. Plus the only thing to look at is tires..they just don't do it for me.
The dentist...and not for the obvious reasons, no I just cannot stand the taste or smell of the nasty plastic gloves in mah mouth.
Staff meetings at work. I find most meetings pretty pointless, and I always have at least 38 thousand things to do on any given day so I sit there with a sour face the entire time.
Anywhere that I am surrounded by children. See: zoos, some museums, amusement parks, and toy stores. Not a fan of kiddos especially in large quantities.
Being surrounded by super dumb people. I have no tolerance for it. Like Judge Judy says, "Beauty fades, dumb is forever."
That's all I can really think of for now...where is worse than jail in your opinion???
And now, I am going to talk a lil about what inspires this literary gem that is my blog as requested by two members of the bloginati Helene and Sarah.
Today's post was clearly inspired by the most bangable character on 30 Rock, but most of the time I just jot down the weird ideas that pop into my head on my phone and somehow turn it into a post. Occasionally I write based on something I find interesting in the news. I also often write based on crazy shit my friends say and do, or just make a collage and tell you guys about my drunken weekends. If I don't have anything good (and I use the word good lightly) I don't post at all. I really just want to make ya'll bitches laugh now and then and I also want a friend in every state so I have people to party with when I travel.
I listen to them everyday on my drive to and from work because the talk radio in these parts sucks.
One of my faves is Alec Baldwin's show Here's the Thing. I am not sure if I actually like the show, or if I just listen because of his dreamy voice.
He sounds like buttah...like up there with Mr. Freeman buttah. I love it a lot.
The episode I listened to last night was an interview with this dude who spent a bunch of years working in the New York prison system. If there is something I love more than Alec Baldwin it is shit about prisons. Creepy, maybe...but I dig anything to do with prisons.
I blame it on my 4th grade Girl Scout leader who took our troop on a field trip to the county jail. Young girls + inmates, am I the only one who felt that was a bit on the odd side?
But I digress, the podcast got me thinking about how much ass it would suck to be stuck in prison. Unless you had really fun cellmates of course, then it might be kind of ok.
I would hate to be locked up, but I can think of a few places I hate even more....
Walmart. I literally feel sick in that store. I dislike the politics of the company and the folks I see in my local branch make me sad for humanity. Real sad.
Any type of auto repair shop. I know nothing about cars and always feel like I am being royally screwed the second I have to deal with anything vehicle related. Plus the only thing to look at is tires..they just don't do it for me.
The dentist...and not for the obvious reasons, no I just cannot stand the taste or smell of the nasty plastic gloves in mah mouth.
Staff meetings at work. I find most meetings pretty pointless, and I always have at least 38 thousand things to do on any given day so I sit there with a sour face the entire time.
Anywhere that I am surrounded by children. See: zoos, some museums, amusement parks, and toy stores. Not a fan of kiddos especially in large quantities.
Being surrounded by super dumb people. I have no tolerance for it. Like Judge Judy says, "Beauty fades, dumb is forever."
That's all I can really think of for now...where is worse than jail in your opinion???
And now, I am going to talk a lil about what inspires this literary gem that is my blog as requested by two members of the bloginati Helene and Sarah.
Today's post was clearly inspired by the most bangable character on 30 Rock, but most of the time I just jot down the weird ideas that pop into my head on my phone and somehow turn it into a post. Occasionally I write based on something I find interesting in the news. I also often write based on crazy shit my friends say and do, or just make a collage and tell you guys about my drunken weekends. If I don't have anything good (and I use the word good lightly) I don't post at all. I really just want to make ya'll bitches laugh now and then and I also want a friend in every state so I have people to party with when I travel.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
baby I got your money
Just kidding I don't have any money, I spent it all at the bar this weekend.
What is sad though is my hometown is as big of a dumb ass with money as I am.
If you haven't seen on the news, my old stomping grounds Detroit has declared bankruptcy. Here is an article if you are interested, if not it's ok I can tell you all you need to know in this post.
People think Detroit is this really crummy place, but it is actually not at all. I mean I hail from there so obviously it is not that bad.
We also reared Madonna, Kid Rock, Tim Allen, Uncle Cracker, and at least five or six other semi famous celebs. Uncle Cracker even went to my high school so put that in your pipe and smoke it.
All Detroit needs to do is spend a little time putting together a budget spreadsheet on Excel like I did last week. I could really teach the city a thing or two so hopefully some of the big wigs are reading this post.
The former mayor of Detroit Kwame used to like to spend the city's money on things like Lincoln SUVs and hookers. I can understand because I used to like to spend all my money on Starbucks coffee and going out to lunch. Now I try to shop at TJ Maxx and buy my coffee at the gas station. The new mayor should get a used sedan and just use casual encounters on Craigslist to save some dough.
One of the major problems with the economy in the Dirty D is the auto industry going to shit. I think the people running those companies were probably just not doing a kick ass job like they should have been. If they would have called in sick to lay out by the pool, and spent a large chunk of their day chatting on Facebook like I do, things might be a tad different.
I am not even going to pretend to know all the problems with the economy back in my hometown, but I do know that it makes me feel a little tiny bit better because I thought I was the worst Michigander with money but guess what...I am not even close to bankrupt.
I put myself on the envelope method at the beginning of this month. You know, where you put how much spending money you are allowed into an envelope and then just spend that and nothing more.
Well, of course I ran out of money with 11 days left in the month. Instead of charging things like Detroit probably would have, I am just going to make Jose buy me shit for the rest of the month. Get a boyfriend Detroit. Get a boyfriend.
What is sad though is my hometown is as big of a dumb ass with money as I am.
If you haven't seen on the news, my old stomping grounds Detroit has declared bankruptcy. Here is an article if you are interested, if not it's ok I can tell you all you need to know in this post.
People think Detroit is this really crummy place, but it is actually not at all. I mean I hail from there so obviously it is not that bad.
We also reared Madonna, Kid Rock, Tim Allen, Uncle Cracker, and at least five or six other semi famous celebs. Uncle Cracker even went to my high school so put that in your pipe and smoke it.
All Detroit needs to do is spend a little time putting together a budget spreadsheet on Excel like I did last week. I could really teach the city a thing or two so hopefully some of the big wigs are reading this post.
The former mayor of Detroit Kwame used to like to spend the city's money on things like Lincoln SUVs and hookers. I can understand because I used to like to spend all my money on Starbucks coffee and going out to lunch. Now I try to shop at TJ Maxx and buy my coffee at the gas station. The new mayor should get a used sedan and just use casual encounters on Craigslist to save some dough.
One of the major problems with the economy in the Dirty D is the auto industry going to shit. I think the people running those companies were probably just not doing a kick ass job like they should have been. If they would have called in sick to lay out by the pool, and spent a large chunk of their day chatting on Facebook like I do, things might be a tad different.
I am not even going to pretend to know all the problems with the economy back in my hometown, but I do know that it makes me feel a little tiny bit better because I thought I was the worst Michigander with money but guess what...I am not even close to bankrupt.
I put myself on the envelope method at the beginning of this month. You know, where you put how much spending money you are allowed into an envelope and then just spend that and nothing more.
Well, of course I ran out of money with 11 days left in the month. Instead of charging things like Detroit probably would have, I am just going to make Jose buy me shit for the rest of the month. Get a boyfriend Detroit. Get a boyfriend.
Monday, July 22, 2013
monday, monday
Oh Monday we meet again you old bitch.
In case any of you were wondering, I stayed totally true to my weekend goals and steered clear of all alcohol and unhealthy foods.
Just joshing. You should have known that would never happen. I actually behaved like a drunken walrus and ate and drank everything in sight. Maybe next weekend....
Friday night I went to Zumba had a healthy dinner and then practiced applying eyeliner.
I was pretty impressed with myself because it actually looked sort of normal. I didn't even have to make a special trip to the store, because I already had some eyeliner that I purchased a while back to paint fake stitches on my face when I was a zombie for Halloween. Score.
After I had painted my face I knew the world needed to see it, so I texted my favorite neighbor and asked her what they were up to. She told me they were going to the Tiki Bar and to get my ass over there.
I did what I was told.
I was planning to offer to DD so I could stick to my diet, but then I was informed a cab was on it's way to scoop us up so all bets were off, and I had a few shots before we even left.
Once we got there I drank until there was no money left in my wallet. We sang songs to the cab driver on the way back and then I vaguely remember doing fairly consistent shots until 4 am and salsa dancing with my neighbor's husband. Good times.
I awoke Saturday morning at 11:37 am on my couch having missed all my classes at the gym and secretly rejoicing. I toyed with the idea of going for a run then opted for Wendy's chicken nuggets and a lemonade instead.
As rough as I was feeling, and it was rough let me tell you, manfriend had it worse. He did not even emerge from bed until 3 pm. And then it was only to rid himself of some of the toxins he took in. I went to the store and got him some hangover essentials because I'm a little peach like that.
Have you ever tried running errands when you are slightly still drunk/hungover?? It's quite funny. I had to go to three stores because I kept forgetting shit...silly hangover.
Around 4 our buddy came over and we went to the pool. That made us feel delightful and we decided to have a BBQ that evening. We had a few more friends come over and cooked some food and drank some burr. I tried watermelon with chili powder on top, and my life will never be the same.
Oh man, I almost forgot to mention, we also dog sat this weekend. For the most adorable little gentleman named Teddy. He is a tiny yorkie and I love him. He weighs about 4 pounds and Fred clocks in at just under 100, so I spent a fair share of my weekend trying to get them to pose for a photo shoot. I am sad to report I did not get one good photo. I also was unable to get them to share a spaghetti noodle Lady and the Tramp style.
Sunday I assisted my good friend with a work event that required me to deal with small children in 100 degree heat. Yay. The little darlings all seemed to be quite sticky which throughout grossed me out.
She thanked my with free food which I am always a fan of and I proceeded to eat more on Sunday than I normally eat all week. No bueno.
Later that night there was another BBQ and some oysters were involved, I also saw the most perfect rainbow I have ever seen. Sorry this was so long, I just love the weekend too much...have a good Monday guys.
In case any of you were wondering, I stayed totally true to my weekend goals and steered clear of all alcohol and unhealthy foods.
Just joshing. You should have known that would never happen. I actually behaved like a drunken walrus and ate and drank everything in sight. Maybe next weekend....
Friday night I went to Zumba had a healthy dinner and then practiced applying eyeliner.
I was pretty impressed with myself because it actually looked sort of normal. I didn't even have to make a special trip to the store, because I already had some eyeliner that I purchased a while back to paint fake stitches on my face when I was a zombie for Halloween. Score.
After I had painted my face I knew the world needed to see it, so I texted my favorite neighbor and asked her what they were up to. She told me they were going to the Tiki Bar and to get my ass over there.
I did what I was told.
I was planning to offer to DD so I could stick to my diet, but then I was informed a cab was on it's way to scoop us up so all bets were off, and I had a few shots before we even left.
Once we got there I drank until there was no money left in my wallet. We sang songs to the cab driver on the way back and then I vaguely remember doing fairly consistent shots until 4 am and salsa dancing with my neighbor's husband. Good times.
I awoke Saturday morning at 11:37 am on my couch having missed all my classes at the gym and secretly rejoicing. I toyed with the idea of going for a run then opted for Wendy's chicken nuggets and a lemonade instead.
As rough as I was feeling, and it was rough let me tell you, manfriend had it worse. He did not even emerge from bed until 3 pm. And then it was only to rid himself of some of the toxins he took in. I went to the store and got him some hangover essentials because I'm a little peach like that.
Have you ever tried running errands when you are slightly still drunk/hungover?? It's quite funny. I had to go to three stores because I kept forgetting shit...silly hangover.
Around 4 our buddy came over and we went to the pool. That made us feel delightful and we decided to have a BBQ that evening. We had a few more friends come over and cooked some food and drank some burr. I tried watermelon with chili powder on top, and my life will never be the same.
Oh man, I almost forgot to mention, we also dog sat this weekend. For the most adorable little gentleman named Teddy. He is a tiny yorkie and I love him. He weighs about 4 pounds and Fred clocks in at just under 100, so I spent a fair share of my weekend trying to get them to pose for a photo shoot. I am sad to report I did not get one good photo. I also was unable to get them to share a spaghetti noodle Lady and the Tramp style.
Sunday I assisted my good friend with a work event that required me to deal with small children in 100 degree heat. Yay. The little darlings all seemed to be quite sticky which throughout grossed me out.
She thanked my with free food which I am always a fan of and I proceeded to eat more on Sunday than I normally eat all week. No bueno.
Later that night there was another BBQ and some oysters were involved, I also saw the most perfect rainbow I have ever seen. Sorry this was so long, I just love the weekend too much...have a good Monday guys.
Friday, July 19, 2013
happy weekend guys
Another week has come and gone. I gotta be honest this was a long one for me, even with having a day off. It wasn't a bad week by any means just not a super exciting one. I am also not entirely excited about the fact that we don't have a trip planned this weekend, my little gypsi soul has loved traveling the past three weekends, but I guess I will probably live...and besides I'm just about out of money.
So now I present you with another high five for Friday because as you know I really like making these damn collages...I have even been making them for work, it's getting to be a problem.
1. So Wendesday I decided enough was enough of this work bullshit and called in sick. In my defense I did wake up with a headache and I had nothing major on my plate. I felt pretty awesome after I slept in until 9:30 so I decided to take Fred to the park, then had some lunch and finished the day off at the pool with a book. I swear to Jesus I'm not nakie in this picture, and that is pool water not sweat. Though it was a scorcher, and I may or may not have had a little sliparoo when I was doing laps...you're welcome lifeguard. You're welcome. I highly recommend calling in "sick" every now and again. It really does a body good.
2. I reached two goals in yoga which made me pretty happy. Sorry I talk about it a lot, but I feel like a whole new woman since I jumped on the yoga wagon. I do not know what either of the poses I managed this week are called but one involves grabbing your hands behind your back in a weird twisted position, I have never quite been able to do it until this week. I am by no means good yet, but I am getting a little better every class. This photo is not me, I look more like a special needs walrus than she does when I practice.
3. As you all know if you read my bloggo this week, I am a celebrity now. That's right, I was filmed for an interview on the local cable access channel. Move over Tami, there is a new anchor woman in town. Oh yeah, and read her blog, because she is the cat's ass. Speaking of ass, the same day I became a news star, Fred the dog decided to puke all over my house as I was walking out the door. Apparently he doesn't know that celebrities are glamorous and don't clean up dog vomit.
4. I know you all think I am just a big drunken sassafras, but believe it or not I have high hopes too. I have decided this weekend I am going to try really hard not to drink like a fish or eat like a pig. It is going to be rough because those are two of my greatest talents, but I ate pretty crummy all week. Ate crummy in the tune of I chowed down a pint of Ben and Jerry's fro yo in two days. That's not good. I also have been indulging in my fair share of booze the last few weekends so I am going to give it the old college try and be healthy this weekend. There is a good chance I will fail, but hey at least I'm trying.
5. One of my friends is going through some shit right now. I spent a good amount of time this week talking to him about it all. As much as I hate to see my friend hurting, it also was a good reminder that I have a lot to be thankful for. I have a lot of love in my life and that is pretty excellent. Including all you crazies that read my blog. I love you guys.
That's it guys happy weekend. And in honor of being happy about having awesome friends here is an oldie but a goodie.

So now I present you with another high five for Friday because as you know I really like making these damn collages...I have even been making them for work, it's getting to be a problem.
1. So Wendesday I decided enough was enough of this work bullshit and called in sick. In my defense I did wake up with a headache and I had nothing major on my plate. I felt pretty awesome after I slept in until 9:30 so I decided to take Fred to the park, then had some lunch and finished the day off at the pool with a book. I swear to Jesus I'm not nakie in this picture, and that is pool water not sweat. Though it was a scorcher, and I may or may not have had a little sliparoo when I was doing laps...you're welcome lifeguard. You're welcome. I highly recommend calling in "sick" every now and again. It really does a body good.
2. I reached two goals in yoga which made me pretty happy. Sorry I talk about it a lot, but I feel like a whole new woman since I jumped on the yoga wagon. I do not know what either of the poses I managed this week are called but one involves grabbing your hands behind your back in a weird twisted position, I have never quite been able to do it until this week. I am by no means good yet, but I am getting a little better every class. This photo is not me, I look more like a special needs walrus than she does when I practice.
3. As you all know if you read my bloggo this week, I am a celebrity now. That's right, I was filmed for an interview on the local cable access channel. Move over Tami, there is a new anchor woman in town. Oh yeah, and read her blog, because she is the cat's ass. Speaking of ass, the same day I became a news star, Fred the dog decided to puke all over my house as I was walking out the door. Apparently he doesn't know that celebrities are glamorous and don't clean up dog vomit.
4. I know you all think I am just a big drunken sassafras, but believe it or not I have high hopes too. I have decided this weekend I am going to try really hard not to drink like a fish or eat like a pig. It is going to be rough because those are two of my greatest talents, but I ate pretty crummy all week. Ate crummy in the tune of I chowed down a pint of Ben and Jerry's fro yo in two days. That's not good. I also have been indulging in my fair share of booze the last few weekends so I am going to give it the old college try and be healthy this weekend. There is a good chance I will fail, but hey at least I'm trying.
5. One of my friends is going through some shit right now. I spent a good amount of time this week talking to him about it all. As much as I hate to see my friend hurting, it also was a good reminder that I have a lot to be thankful for. I have a lot of love in my life and that is pretty excellent. Including all you crazies that read my blog. I love you guys.
That's it guys happy weekend. And in honor of being happy about having awesome friends here is an oldie but a goodie.

Thursday, July 18, 2013
i'm tipsaaay
This may come as a shock to some of you, but from time to time I drink too much.
As in a shit ton of booze goes into my mouth and I time travel to the next morning.
It is pretty often that I forget the happenings of the night before and only figure out what went down by examining the bar receipts I find in my purse.
Usually throughout the next day I can piece together the night by the flashbacks I have. It's kind of a fun game really. Except on the days when I recall saying really dumb shit the night before, ain't nobody got time for that.
For example, last weekend in Philly I decided it was a great idea to have four glasses of wine before dinner. Then two at dinner, followed by a beer at the first bar we stopped in, a gin drink at the second, a Moscow mule and shot of vodka at the third, and a night cap of a beer at the last stop. Needless to say, I don't remember that last bar too well.
Jose did tell me that I got a litte sassy however. Apparently two guys sitting near us at the bar were telling the bartender a story about when they were robbed at gunpoint and escaped the situation by throwing a piece of dog poo at the armed robber and running away. I guess after I heard the story I proceeded to tell the bartender, "they are lying. that never happened." The two guys I am told did not appreciate that but the bartender loved it and bought my beer for me. I stand by my statement...no way is that true.
It got me thinking though, how the hell do I act when I'm all drunked up? I decided to do some investigative journalism via, consulting Facebook photos and talking to Jose and here is what I have concluded.
Ten things that will happen when I am drunk:
As in a shit ton of booze goes into my mouth and I time travel to the next morning.
It is pretty often that I forget the happenings of the night before and only figure out what went down by examining the bar receipts I find in my purse.
Usually throughout the next day I can piece together the night by the flashbacks I have. It's kind of a fun game really. Except on the days when I recall saying really dumb shit the night before, ain't nobody got time for that.
For example, last weekend in Philly I decided it was a great idea to have four glasses of wine before dinner. Then two at dinner, followed by a beer at the first bar we stopped in, a gin drink at the second, a Moscow mule and shot of vodka at the third, and a night cap of a beer at the last stop. Needless to say, I don't remember that last bar too well.
Jose did tell me that I got a litte sassy however. Apparently two guys sitting near us at the bar were telling the bartender a story about when they were robbed at gunpoint and escaped the situation by throwing a piece of dog poo at the armed robber and running away. I guess after I heard the story I proceeded to tell the bartender, "they are lying. that never happened." The two guys I am told did not appreciate that but the bartender loved it and bought my beer for me. I stand by my statement...no way is that true.
It got me thinking though, how the hell do I act when I'm all drunked up? I decided to do some investigative journalism via, consulting Facebook photos and talking to Jose and here is what I have concluded.
Ten things that will happen when I am drunk:
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
turns out make up makes you pretty
I will confess, I have no fucking idea how to apply make up.
I never have and likely never will.
I am not Southern Beauty Guide or anything guys.
The only thing I wear is a touch of bronzer because I am albino and mascara. Oh yeah, Burt's Bees too...sometimes even tinted.
It's not my fault really, my mom is a tomboy and I was never taught.
Yesterday I had to film an interview at the local cable channel for work. Naturally I had no clue what to wear or how to paint my face.
To my delight when I got there they had a make up artist to spruce me up. I felt like a goddamn Kardashian.
I haven't had my make up done since my friend's mom did it for me when I went to the prom.
I must say I loved it. It was relaxing, she was nice, and she said I had pretty eyes. I am sure she says that to all the girls, but I probably would have showed her my boobs for saying it. I'm easy like that.
She put a shit ton of goop on my face, not really sure I could handle all that on the regular, but I did like the hooker eyes she gave me. They were all dark and sassy.
My goal this weekend is going to be practicing eyeliner. I know most girls learn this at about 12 but what can I say, I'm a late bloomer.
Even though I have zero make up skills of my own, I do know a few things to avoid:
I never have and likely never will.
I am not Southern Beauty Guide or anything guys.
The only thing I wear is a touch of bronzer because I am albino and mascara. Oh yeah, Burt's Bees too...sometimes even tinted.
It's not my fault really, my mom is a tomboy and I was never taught.
Yesterday I had to film an interview at the local cable channel for work. Naturally I had no clue what to wear or how to paint my face.
To my delight when I got there they had a make up artist to spruce me up. I felt like a goddamn Kardashian.
I haven't had my make up done since my friend's mom did it for me when I went to the prom.
I must say I loved it. It was relaxing, she was nice, and she said I had pretty eyes. I am sure she says that to all the girls, but I probably would have showed her my boobs for saying it. I'm easy like that.
She put a shit ton of goop on my face, not really sure I could handle all that on the regular, but I did like the hooker eyes she gave me. They were all dark and sassy.
My goal this weekend is going to be practicing eyeliner. I know most girls learn this at about 12 but what can I say, I'm a late bloomer.
Even though I have zero make up skills of my own, I do know a few things to avoid:
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
I'm a mom...
In case you have been living under a rock, or this is the first time you are reading my blog: I am obsessed with dogs.
Like real obsessed. Particularly with my own.
My dog is Fred if you don't know. He is a giant pitt/lab mix and he is the light of my life. He has his own about me page, you can read it here.
Now, I have had dogs all my life. Literally, my parents had one when I was born so this obsession is not new.
Shit got taken to a whole new level when I got my own though.
I remember a time before I had my own dog when I thought people who referred to their pets as their babies were weirdos. I mean I always liked animals a lot and everything, but I just didn't quite get it.
But today I am here to confess I have become that weirdo. And even though he probably won't admit it, Jose is too.
Here are 10 sure fire ways to tell you have crossed over to the dark side and become a weird dog parent:
1. You can't go on vacation without getting your dog a souvenir. I know he doesn't know the difference between a gourmet cookie from a dog bakery in New York or a Milkbone from Target, but I can't help myself. Fred always, always gets a souvenir.
2. You miss the shit out of your pet when you go out of town. We try to bring Fred on vaca whenever possible, but sometimes it is not an option. And when that happens, I miss him more than I care to admit.
3. You spend more money on their food than your own.
4. You have on more than one occasion discussed the consistency of their poo. I hate myself a little for the fact that I have had a conversation about a turd.
5. You refer to yourself as mom when you speak to your dog. Once again, hate myself just a bit.
6. Your dog has multiple collars and leashes for various occasions.
7. Your dog sleeps in your bed, even though it is super uncomfortable for you.
8. You pay money for your dog to go to daycare. He's a fuc*ing dog, he does not need daycare...I know this, yet send him anyway.
9. You worry your dog is mad at you or doesn't love you when he doesn't get enough attention. I forget he would have been shipped to the glue factory if I didn't adopt him, and let him get away with murder. Jose and I also sometimes argue about who Fred loves more...I am sure this is healthy behavior.
10. You have playdates with your friends and their dogs. Fred has more friends than most people. Probably because he is so stinkin cute. When we have a party, there are literally dogs everywhere and our house becomes a goddamn zoo. I love it.

Monday, July 15, 2013
it's always sunny
I don't want to jump the gun or anything, but I think there is a good chance this might be my best summer yet.
It is only mid-July and I have already done more fun shit than I usually do in an entire year. It's been treatin me good guys, real good.
This past weekend my dear old mom and dad flew into Philly from Detroit and Jose and I drove out to spend the weekend with them.
It was pretty wonderful for three reasons:
1. The rents. It is hard not seeing these crazy kids all the time and having a few days with my parents was amazing. My mom rented a suite so we were able to hang out in the room a fair amount and just enjoy each other's company. My dad had an off color comment for every few minutes which is always a good thing. We made a lot of fun of each other, laughed, and drank too much. I miss um already.
2. The city itself. Philly is one of my favorite cities. If you have never been, go. It is small enough to be super friendly but big enough to be exciting. I absolutely love it. The first time I went there I remember thinking, I could totally live here. That feeling has not changed. The coolest thing we did this trip was the Mural Arts Tour. There are almost 4,000 murals painted on the sides of buildings and whatnot. The tour is a walk around the city highlighting a few of them. Walking around various neighborhoods in cities is among my top favorite things to do anyway, so throw in some art and I am a happy camper.
3. The food and booze. Philly is a great city for food. I happen to be quite the little chow hound so this is a good thing in my book. We had the obligatory cheese steak, but also went to two really great restaurants. Twenty Manning Grill and El Vez. I highly recommend both. Another thing I recommend is staying at the Embassy Suites. They offered a happy hour for hotel guests from 5-7 every night. And I am not just talking beer and wine, I am talking whatever the hell you want to drink. I had four glasses of wine Saturday night and I don't know how many jack and Diets on Friday and that shit was free. Between the four of us we saved an easy 200 bucks on drinks alone. There are some pretty excellent bars in Philly as well, I took full advantage don't you worry.
Hope ya'll bitches (as my dad would say) had a great weekend too.
It is only mid-July and I have already done more fun shit than I usually do in an entire year. It's been treatin me good guys, real good.
This past weekend my dear old mom and dad flew into Philly from Detroit and Jose and I drove out to spend the weekend with them.
It was pretty wonderful for three reasons:
1. The rents. It is hard not seeing these crazy kids all the time and having a few days with my parents was amazing. My mom rented a suite so we were able to hang out in the room a fair amount and just enjoy each other's company. My dad had an off color comment for every few minutes which is always a good thing. We made a lot of fun of each other, laughed, and drank too much. I miss um already.
2. The city itself. Philly is one of my favorite cities. If you have never been, go. It is small enough to be super friendly but big enough to be exciting. I absolutely love it. The first time I went there I remember thinking, I could totally live here. That feeling has not changed. The coolest thing we did this trip was the Mural Arts Tour. There are almost 4,000 murals painted on the sides of buildings and whatnot. The tour is a walk around the city highlighting a few of them. Walking around various neighborhoods in cities is among my top favorite things to do anyway, so throw in some art and I am a happy camper.
3. The food and booze. Philly is a great city for food. I happen to be quite the little chow hound so this is a good thing in my book. We had the obligatory cheese steak, but also went to two really great restaurants. Twenty Manning Grill and El Vez. I highly recommend both. Another thing I recommend is staying at the Embassy Suites. They offered a happy hour for hotel guests from 5-7 every night. And I am not just talking beer and wine, I am talking whatever the hell you want to drink. I had four glasses of wine Saturday night and I don't know how many jack and Diets on Friday and that shit was free. Between the four of us we saved an easy 200 bucks on drinks alone. There are some pretty excellent bars in Philly as well, I took full advantage don't you worry.
Hope ya'll bitches (as my dad would say) had a great weekend too.
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