Well this weekend the manfriend took me to my first ever multi-day music festival. It was pretty much heaven on Earth and I am still alive so all is well with the world. I brought back with me a lovely suntan and some tips for surviving a music festival (for those of you who have never been).
1. Just because you want it to be warm, does not mean it will be. Don't pack like a jackass and only have cute dresses and tank tops because then when it is freezing you will be forced to wear your ugly hoodie and tennis shoes.
2. You can never, ever pack too much food or booze. You can share with your new friends you make and trust me, even if you think you have tons of dranks, you will certainly be craving something other than what you packed by day 3. Go for variety...it's the spice of life.
3. You will make wonderful friends at a music festival.
4. Live music is the best music.
5. Watching shows never gets old. Neither does dancing.
6. Dancing all day and night for three days will negate the fact that you didn't run once like you planned to.
7. Drinking copious amounts of alcohol for three days will negate the dancing.
8. Some people are stuck in the 60s, even though they weren't born yet. And that is ok, because they are probably pretty nice.
9. Dreadlocks do not look good on everyone.
10. Festival feet are gross feet.
11. Even when you are not on drugs, you will start to feel like you are after a few days at a music festival.
12. A shower is the most glorious thing in the entire world after camping out and dancing with no shoes for several days.
13. Port-a-poties are fucking disgusting.
14. You will look homeless by the last day of the festival. You will look even more homeless when you wash your face in the bathroom of a mall food court on your way home.
15. Your own bed and non-campsite shower is a little slice of heaven when you get home. You will also miss your dog a lot while you are gone.

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I've never been to a music festival. I need to go to one as soon as humanly possible.
I'm going to my first music festival this weekend! I'm scared of the portapottie situation! I hate those. But im very excite about the shows!
oh, wow! Looks like you had so much fun. I need a music festival in my life now. I live a minute from Austin and yet I have never been to one. (Bad music lover.) Maybe I will go to Bonnaroo after all! :)
Concerts are bad ass. I've never been to a festival though! And you make it look sooo fun!!
Haha #7 and #13 are too true!
all valid lessons. haha love it. and let's go to the next one together? i love festivals.
I am laughing at the fact that you planned to run while there. Hahahahaha.
All excellent lessons!
when i was a hardcore raver, i could never bring myself to do those 3day festivals even though i heard they were the bomb. the thought of having to do my bidness in the porto-potties deterred me from buying tickets.
i guess i wasn't as hardcore afterall!
I would much rather going behind a tree than going inside a porta potty.. And I usually do. LOVE music fests and love looking homeless with all of my homeless looking friends. (We aren't really) but also love the ppl that are stuck in the 60s without ever having been born then comment. So true.
I've never gone to a multi-day festival. I've gone to single day events or one day out of a multiday event. I've always had fun :)
Sounds like fun! I've never been to one and probably shouldn't because I'd fall off a table dancing or something! Did you really wash your face in the mall food court bathroom?!
Hilarious! My hubs went to Bonaroo and got barfed on. You are a brave woman- what fest was it?
Yay!!! So much fun right?!! Just being around all of those crazies tripping makes you feel like you are too! I'll stick to the booze. It works pretty well. Did you see anyone that was amazing??
YES - let's festi together. SOON.
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