I heard this little ditty on my ride into work today and it got me reminiscing about many things...
Do you remember the time when MJ was still alive? I sure do, I had a huge crush on him and used to play his tapes on family car trips. My dad would tell me MJ was gay and I would cry and tell him how much I hated him for saying that. Aww, sweet family memories. Seriously though, I love MJ. Always have, always will.
Do you remember the time when we used to IM each other instead of texting? My screen name was EDawg25325….what a little thug I was.
Do you remember the time when you could skip school every day and still get into a good college? I wish I could skip work every day and still get paid…
Do you remember the time when you could drink every night and not get fat or hungover? Those were the days.
Do you remember the time when Carson Daily hosted TRL and everyone thought he was hot? Not me, I liked Jesse Camp myself.
Do you remember the time when “I will remember you” was every high school (including mine) in ‘Merica’s graduation song? I personally wanted the equally cliche Greenday version, but the bastards didn’t listen to me….probably because I skipped too much school.
Do you remember the time when the writer of a fore mentioned song changed her name to Sarah McLiferuiner and made everyone cry when she showed them poor abused animals?
Do you remember the time when MySpace was the thing? I kind of wish it still was. Mine had sparkly Hello Kitties on it and played songs like "Bartender" by T-Pain. I also remember answering a lot of surveys on that MySpace.
Do you remember the time when MySpace was the thing? I kind of wish it still was. Mine had sparkly Hello Kitties on it and played songs like "Bartender" by T-Pain. I also remember answering a lot of surveys on that MySpace.
Do you remember the time when your parents bought all your shit and you only worked part time at the Dairy Queen so you could buy yourself every single article of clothing at American Eagle and 30 CDs a week?
Do you remember the time when you could go to this big building in college and fill a tray with food that you didn’t have to buy or cook? God the caf was awesome…mine had sushi and a pasta bar.
Do you remember the time when the best dating shows were Temptation Island, Next, and Blind Date? I can’t get into this Bachelor deal for some reason.
Do you remember the time when this was my favorite song? Ok, you probably didn’t know that…but you do now. Happy Friday Bitches.

Haha I remember Jesse Camp, He use to shop at the mall we went to as kids, use to see him walking around all the time LOL.
Have a great weekend!
Bone bone bone! Yes!
30 CDs a week were definitely a need not a want. Or at least that's what I told my parents!
Sigh. I miss blind date. and TRL. and myspace surveys, I rocked those.
There was another really good dating show, I cannot remember it...
I googled it. Singled Out!!
This post is amazing! I never was big on MJ though, I blame this on my parents. They forced Collective Soul and Counting Crows on me while I was trying Mmmbop my way through elementary school. I thanked them later. Do you remember livejournal? Yeah, I had one of those guys. By reading it you would have thought I was manic depressive. Nope! Just a overly dramatic preteen. Thanks for the Friday flashback!
Ah, I loved "Temptation Island" and "Next" - did you know TI had more seasons that never aired on television? Or aired on some random obscure channel? Still...wtf.
nope. pretty sure every damn graduation song was that fucking vitamin c bulllllllllshit.
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