Thursday, February 13, 2014

how the sticks have ruined me....

...or maybe they have made me better, I think the jury is still out.

The other day I wrote a bunch of nasty things about where I live. And while those things are all true, I also love it here in my own way. I wanted to be a little more positive today and focus on all the good stuff, plus I am trying to be a bit more sharey from time to time, because why the hell not.

Once upon a time I was a Coach purse carrying, hair highlighting, make-up applying, high heel wearing kind of gal.

And now I just can't.

I moved out to the middle of nowhere and so much changed.

I got really crunchy and stopped dying my hair. The thought of it freaks me out now. Honestly I don't usually even brush it...I've got the beachy wave thing going on (or at least that's how I justify it)

I started hiking like all the time. I get sad if the weather is crummy and I miss going every week. Fred is cool with my addiction, he always comes with.

I started worrying a lot about what I eat. Now it is not so much worry as I just don't eat anything I consider crappy. Like ever. Don't get me wrong I love chocolate and the like but it best be organic. I have never felt better in my life.

I don't drink very much. I was a bar star once upon a time, then I moved to the middle of nowhere and for a long time I didn't know anyone so I rarely went out. Then I slowly started to realize how wonderful life is when you aren't hungover all the time and I really cut back. I drink and all, but not like a wild woman I used to be. I hope this doesn't change when I eventually move back to a city but I am only human after all. I guess I should note, my definition of drinking a lot and the average joe's might be a tad different. When I say a lot, I mean I don't drink heavily five nights a week anymore...I'm still pretty rowdy I won't lie about that.

I love nature so much. It makes me a little irritated when I think of how hippie dippy I have grown over the last few years. I used to make fun of people like me. But I am surrounded by pretty outdoorsy shit and I just can't help it.

I cook all the time. There are not many restaurant options in my neck of the woods so I have really honed my cooking skills, feeding my friends has become my mission in life.

My dog became my best friend. Moving to a place where I knew no one, then having many of the people I meet move away as soon as we become bff's because they are usually in the military around here has resulted in me spending lots of time with Fred. And he is the best friend a girl could have, I mean it. I have had dogs my whole life and loved them all, but he is my number one homie.

It's funny how much a place can change you.

I think ultimately moving away from all my people has made me value relationships a lot more. I have realized it is more important to have a few quality friends than a ton of mediocre ones. Sure, I miss knowing everyone and their mom like I did back "home", but I also value the few amazing friends I have made out here so very much.

Speaking of friends, I am amazed at how little changes even when you move a zillion miles away when people really love each other. I still talk to many of my friends back in Michigan on a daily basis. Distance can't hurt a real friendship I have found, and that is pretty neat.

I am awed by how quickly you can become attached to someone as well. I have met a handful of people out here that after a few weeks of knowing them I cannot imagine my life without. It's funny how certain people come into your life for a reason.

I have also become a lot more confident. I can't just rely on my family to get me out of problems like I once did so I am more self sufficient, I won't lie though, sometimes I really miss having my dad deal with all my car troubles. That was swell.

Not sure where I am going with all of this, I guess I just wanted to post some positive things since I got a little down on my tiny town the other day. (Look at that poet and I didn't know it).

Have you changed because of where you live?


Tracie Everyday said...

I love that you gave us both sides! Truth is, there is good and bad with everything. I think that it is awesome you are in such great contact with your friends from "back" home. I love near where I grew up and still struggle with that!

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

I think there is so much to like and hate about where you live for everyone. I live a little further from family so it means I have to make more of an effort to travel but I love having the space that is just my own.

Kathy@MoreCoffeeLessTalky said...

i've lived in my city/suburb for years but i pretty much raised myself since i was 15 because my parents worked a lot. being self-sufficient at that age is similar to moving away from your family - you have 2 choices: fend for yourself and grow the fuck up, or shrivel up and cry.

self-sufficiency gives you confidence because you know what you're capable of and that in itself gives you strength :)

-kathy | Vodka and Soda

Jordan said...

I don't know if I could do it. We live right off one of the busiest streets/freeways on our side of Houston and I love it because we have access to absolutely anything. I'm not sure if I could adapt!

Stephanie said...

I'm definitely the pre-country version of you. I don't think I could embrace nature like you did. Even when I was in Iowa for 4 years, I hated the outdoors.

Tami said...

I love this! Living different places has definitely changed my perception of what is "normal"--it totally depends on where you grew up and who you were around! But like you I'm finding as I get older I don't value casual acquaintances as much as the friends I've known for years and can call up and pick up right where we left off :)

Amanda - Voyage of the MeeMee said...

When I moved away from home I bawled like a damn baby... for months. Now, our apt is "home." It's weird how that happens... good weird. :)

Heidi said...

Moving out of state and away from family and friends was so hard, but I feel like I've grown so much and bettered my relationships. I really love nature and all the outdoorsy things I can do in NC!
Do you think you'll potentially move back to Michigan?