I love that song. But the point of this post is actually to tell you all a little tale about my relationship with a little thing called spin class.
You see, there aren't many things in life I am afraid of. I am not trying to brag or anything, I am just a little bit of a badass when it comes to most things in life.
So when I found myself utterly terrified of trying spin class for the first time it kind of annoyed me.
I really don't know why I was so scared. I wanted to try it out because I heard people talk about spin class all the damn time and I was taking pretty much every other class at my gym so why not give it a go right?
But for whatever reason anytime I planned to try it I chickened out.
Then, about two months ago I took off my little bitch pants and finally tried it. After my first spin class, I realized I was completely right to have been so scared.
That class fuc*ing sucked. It was hard, I was sweaty, and I honestly hated it.
I had never been so sweaty in my life and for that reason I decided that even though I did not enjoy spin, it must be a great workout so I kept going once a week.
It became easier and slightly less shitty the more classes I put under my belt, but I still never enjoyed it like I do most other workouts.
I had pretty much concluded that spin just wasn't my thing until two weeks ago when the Wednesday night class had a substitute.
After that fateful class I discovered I do not hate spin. I actually love it. I love it a lot.
But only when it is being taught by a sassy ass black man named Mark.
Mark's class was amazing. He was fun and motivating and just so much more awesome than any other instructor I have spun with. He played the greatest songs and he told us all about the best way to drink on the weekends to avoid hangovers. A wealth of knowledge that man.
Sadly, his class is at a time when I rarely will be able to attend, but I am going to do my best to go when I can.
In the meantime I am going to keep spinning with the other lameo teachers in hopes that Mark will be subbing more often than not. (some of them really are lame, like the one I had last Saturday who played Goo Goo Dolls the entire class...like not kidding).
So if you think you hate spin, you probably don't. You just need to find your own Mark to make it more fun.
Oh yeah, he played this song my first class with him, which sealed the deal for my obsession.

girlfriend, an excellent instructor is IMPERATIVE for any spin or yoga class. when you have a lame bitch with shitty ass music, you wish your bike would just unhinge itself just so you can get the fuck up out of there. same with yoga. once some other lame wangface subbed in for my awesome instructor and all he did was chant the whole fucking time. look, i get that it helps set the tone or whatever, but i'm not into saying kumbiya for a whole hour and wasting my $15 per session. ain't nobody got time fo' dat.
but spinning is an awesome workout. i had a hell of a time at first because it numbed my vag like nobody's bidness. there were times i wondered if somehow the seat fell off and i was just sitting on the metal pole because that's how much my crotch hurt!!
Vodka and Soda
I hate spin class..it is the devil!
I have only taken one spin class and absolutely loved it!! However I go to the gym at my work and we dont offer a spin class now :(. Would love to do it again!
i would try it, but dang i'm clumsy. even on a treadmill i just run sideways, right off the thing.
ah i've never tried spin class before. it sounds tough but like an awesome workout.
-- jackie @ jade and oak
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