It is however my two f-ing front teeth.
You know, I never really got the meaning behind that song.
Truth be told I always thought the girl singing about wanting her two front teeth for Christmas was nuts. I would way rather get the hippopotamus personally.
But not this year. No sir, this year I would take the teeth.
I don't know when it happened exactly, I assume when I was tanked, but I have managed to chip my bottom front tooth.
It isn't noticeable or anything like that but I can't seem to quit tonguing it and it is driving me bananas.
I am not a rich folk so I ain't got no dental insurance or anything fancy like that, so I will probably be living with my jagged little incisor for a while. At least until my holiday credit card bill is a distant memory and I can afford to get the bad boy fixed up at the dentist out of pocket.
Have you ever paid for your dental work out of pocket before?? Let me just tell ya, it's really fun.

dentists are fucking scammers. we get a print out of every thing they charge and it's ridiculous how much they charge.
thankfully i'm covered under my husband's insurance but it's only 80%. i can't even imagine what it would cost out of pocket considering a cleaning is over $250.
Vodka and Soda
aww your poor teeth :( boo dentists. On a side note the hippopotamus song is my favorite christmas song!
I have two chipped teeth from many, many years ago when I was cheering. They drove me insane for years, but I really don't even notice it anymore.
HAH Im sorry I shouldn't laugh at this! My sister chipper her front teeth on a gate when we were little and she has to have them capped every few years!!!
I will never understand why eyes and teeth are not covered under regular insurance like the rest of your body. They are MFing vital to good health.
omgsh I am so sorry!! I hope you are able to get it fixed!
Just file it down and voila, free repair! Totally kidding but I can imagine this might cost a pretty penny!
Oh GURL. I was literally ADDICTED to cosmetic dentistry. Nothing like caps, etc... but I had all of my silver fillings taken out and replaced with white fillings instead, etc. All on my dime. Looking back... yikes.
Damn! That sucks, sorry girl!
I got braces as an adult and paid it all out of pocket and it was expensive!!! I did use my jobs flexible spending which takes it out pre-tax which helped but it still was a lot!!
I never really had a bad experience with a dentist, but I am a pain "wussy". So I do 'sedation dentistry' so that I can keep from feeling the pain.
family dentist in Oakville
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