Yep, done, 100%.
Sounds awesome right?
Wrong. I know better than to finish shopping prematurely like this.
I did it last year too.
It's not good.
Unless you are on the receiving end of my gifts in which case you are one lucky bastard.
Because there are still a few weeks before the big day and I live somewhere where there is not much to do other than go shopping. There is no way I will be able to avoid stores, especially since Marshall's is in the very same plaza as my gym. I only go there about 38 times a week when I get to the gym a little too early for a class.
And setting foot in a store for me means continuing to find things I want to give people. I have made a point the last few years of making sure my gifts were based on quality not quantity.
Giving a gift with meaning not just for the sake of giving something. For that reason I tried to start early this year. And I did really well finding just the right things for the ones I love, but the holiday spirit always gets the best of me and at this point I will literately buy anything Christmassy.
So if you are on my Christmas list, be prepared to get something really special and then a bunch of shit that I just could not seem to resist buying.
In all reality though I love Christmas shopping. Sure it's expensive, but if you start early and don't stress about it it can be really fun. I love finding something to give someone that I know will make them super happy.
And to my sister, thanks for cracking me up while I did the last of my shopping on good old Cyber Monday.
Elk Hair is an inside joke...I would explain it but I guarantee it would not be funny to anyone else |
Oh and to the little boy who we choose off the giving tree, you are lucky I have more holiday spirit than financial sense. And thank you for letting us do something nice during a time of year that can become a little too materialistic even when we try not to make it that way.
What's your shopping style, do you love it like I do??

for the first time ever, i'm 90% done shopping and now i can just kick back and enjoy the holidays and watch everyone freak the fuck out because they procrastinated and now have to rush around like idiots. the rest of the 10% are things i have to order online. god, i love online shopping.
this comment had nothing to do with anything other than clog up your blog with nonsense. you need to post more, girl. why are you sort of incognito??????
That is impressive! I totally know what you mean though, during christmas I walk into stores and find awesome "gifts" for people I am not even supposed to be buying for! Those marketing people really know what they're doing!
I love Christmas shopping! And I'm almost done too. And you're right, it's no good.
I am actually laughing at her misunderstanding of the question! Too funny!
I can't believe you are done with your Christmas shopping! I'm so jealous! I've bought a total of three small gifts. Slacker over here!
I can't believe you are done with your Christmas shopping! I'm so jealous! I've bought a total of three small gifts. Slacker over here!
I havent bought one gift yet. AHHHHHH f*ck! Someone needs to help me haha
Way to go on being done early!!
i love christmas shopping too. but i have bought one present and it was dumb. shoot you're better than me.
I am with you I like to get it done early. i dislike the people who freak out, they make going in to any stores unbearable. By this weekend I will have it all done! Yippee!!
Skin suit. hahahahha
I am always finished early, then I spend eleventy billion dollars buying extra shit for me or MFD that neither of us need.
I was about to be super jealous that you were already done with your holiday shopping. Christmas seriously stresses me out. I guess I need to get on your level.
I do the same thing! I already finished my Christmas shopping and I already have ideas for what I can add to people's gifts since I have a little free time. Bad for my wallet- great for my friends and family.
omg a medium! Who thinks that first??
I'm so jealous! I'm almost done but not quite. I love getting it done early... otherwise I stress too much. I am intrigued by Elk Hair.
Damn!! I want to be in your family!! I never get what I want. haha. That's why I made the Pinterest board this year. click and buy!!
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