Thursday, October 17, 2013

anarchy is the answer for this country

Well maybe not, but I do really like punk rock so there are worse ideas right?

Anyway, I am really glad the government is going to re-open. Even though I think the government sucks pretty bad, (both sides guys, I am not getting into it on the blog...don't you worry) I am still glad this stupid shut down is over.

Living as close to DC as I do, it seems that pretty much everyone I associate with was affected by the shut down in some way. And if there is one thing that pisses me off it is when the ones I love are not happy. Don't mess with Texas my ass, don't mess with my people is how the saying should go.

I can think of a whole bunch of shit that should have shut down instead of the government...

-My work! I still had to report to work everyday. I would have gladly sacrificed my museum closing instead of the government. I am not really a big fan of working to be honest. And I could have let manfriend pay the bills for 16ish days. It would have been ok.

-Burger King. Even with as healthy as I have become I still have a weak spot for soft serve. Did you know that BK was dishing up cones for 53 cents??? You read that right 53 cents! And that is with tax...I may or may not have consumed about 438 of those bad lads in the past few months. If they would have been closed the temptation would not have been there and I would have saved lots of quarters. Oh and by the way...those cones are no longer 53 cents...I blame the government. I went last night and was charged $1.06. I only had 53 cents with me so had to debit card it. I told the boyfriend and he judged me.

-Walmart. I can't stand it. It can close for good for all I care. I had to go the other day because I wanted to buy birthday flowers for a coworker and it was the only store open around these parts at 7am. I was instantly reminded why I never go there. It is horrible.

-Halloween stores. All of them. Don't get me wrong, I love Halloween like no freakin other, but have you set foot in a Spirit store recently? If not, save yourself the trip they are terrible. I went in last night to get the last piece of my costume pie and it was sooo dirty. The floor had clearly not been mopped since last Halloween and all the costumes were super low quality and insanely expensive. I have always been a DIY costume person myself, but I know some people don't have the time and this place just did not impress me.

-Target. I would be infinitely richer is Target would just shut down. I am pretty sure the cashiers all know me by name at this point. I think there is some sort of a magnet in Target stores that just draws me to them. I seriously go there like three times a week. It has got to stop.

-Wawa. I know I can easily brew coffee at my own house, but I have yet to find a cup of coffee anywhere in this country that rivals WaWa's Kona blend with a splash of cream. I read all these articles about how not buying coffee is the easiest way to save money...yet almost every morning, I do it.

That is pretty much all I can think of right now and since #1 didn't happen I have got to get back to it.

What do you wish would have shut down in lieu of the government?


Morgan Sparks said...

All of this. All of this should have/could have shut down instead of the government and I would have been one happy girl.

Stephanie said...

I would have so much more money and time if Target closed!!

Chloe said...

Olive Garden. I wouldn't have to work and life would be great.

Monica said...

I need Target to close as well...and pretty much any place that sells sweets anywhere near my work!

Rachel said...

Target is the devil..pretty sure and BK chicken sandwich,...gets me every time!

Miss Riss said...

You had me nervous there for a minute, when you said Target. I thought you were gonna say you don't like it and could care less if it closed, and I was gonna be really sad. But I'm glad you didnt', cause Target is the shiz.

Kathy@MoreCoffeeLessTalky said...

work, definitely work but still pay me. that's fair, right?

Vodka and Soda

Kristin O said...

Ugh...this was so stupid, too. I mean really? Let the people who don't need to be paid get paid, and keep the pay from the REAL workers in DC. We had a lot of friends affected too.

Helene in Between said...

hahahahahaha YES YES and yes. and yes the whole govt just sucks. and so agree about burger king.

Tammy Jo said...

hahahah so funny!!!! And I agree with work mine didn't close either :(

Jess @ Living On Sweet Tea said...

whyy did you have to mention ice cream.. for the love of God.. I was craving it lsat night and forgot about it til now.. haha for real though..

Kristie's Blue Jeans said...

I think the not buying coffee thing is a lie. I brew mine at home and find myself buying all the creamer flavors just to mix it up... How is that saving me money? I am certainly not richer. Oh and I buy them at Target!

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

Calories needs to shut down!! We should be able to deny them the right to add calories to our bodies! Make it happen!

Anonymous said...

Shutdown Wawa?! How could you say something so.. so.. evil?!?

Nikki @ Rural Rookie said...

Oh dude. I'm with you on the Walmart thing. I despise that place, I avoid it at all costs. HELL ON EARTH.