Friday, October 11, 2013

I am literally the worst

I would like to say sorry for being a shitty blogger, but I guess I am who I am.

See for quite a long while there I was posting like 5 times a week. That is a lot for a relatively lazy person such as myself. And truth be told, that is just too much. I can't spend the time I want on a post in addition to my job and all the other things I like in life 5 times a week. Maybe not even 4. I can however not suck at writing as bad as I have the last few weeks, because if you ask me blogging is the cat's pajamas.

Anyway, I figured today I would share with you a few excuses as to why my blog has been so quiet the last few weeks so maybe some of you will still like me. I will try to be better in the future, maybe.

-Writers Block. This is a new one for me as I am pretty mouthy and typically have lots to say, but lately I just haven't been feeling it. I am a firm believer in not posting something just for the sake of posting it  so I have opted to write nothing in lieu or writing crap. (maybe this post should be excused from that equation)

-Busy. My god have I been busy at work. I have two events in the last two weeks, countless meetings, a conference, several work trips and a company picnic to boot. I have been working about 55 hours a week and there has been no time for the tomfoolery or blogging I usually enjoy a bit of during any given work day.

-Fun. I have been doing a lot of really fun but really time consuming shit lately. Dinners with the neighbors, baseball games, dates with the manfriend, shopping-it has all cut in to my blog time. Also one of my very favorite people came out to visit last weekend. We had a marvelous drunken weekend. I can't for one second justify taking time away from my life shenanigans to's just not my style.

-Computer problems. In addition to being busy as fack at work, my computer here is from the Jurassic period. Even the days where I had a few minutes to read a few blogs, write a quick post, or comment on some blogs I love, my work PC was not having it. It literally takes 15 minutes to get this biotch up and running in the morning. Not cool.

-The gym. Guys I have been hitting the gym real hard. It is awesome, I am loving it and I am getting muscles in all new places. The bad part is when i get home from 2 hours of working out all I want to do is have some dinner and watch the boob tube. Or maybe walk the dog. I have no motivation left to blog. I just want to be lazy. Plus there is so much damn good TV on right now I just can't take it.


Kristin O said...

It's all good! We've all been there. And I got writers block like a bitch lately!!

Anonymous said...

happens to the best of us girl!

Rachel said...

I have had a writers block...I am debating on taking a week or two away from the blog due to it....but I missed ur face!

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

When life gets crazy sometime you just need to take a break! Hope the writers block goes away, girl!

Chelsee W said...

Gosh I think writers block is super contagious these days! Have a great weekend:)

Anonymous said...

I'm right there with ya! I have horrible writer's block for weeks and now all of a sudden I have posts written AND scheduled through the end of the month. And I posted 5x this week. That NEVER happens!

Misty, Handbags + Handguns said...

Very valid reasons for being away!

Kathy@MoreCoffeeLessTalky said...

all good reasons to be away....although i have missed your posts but i was very happy to read that you've been KILLING IT at the gym!!!

Deidre said...

The thing about blogging (well unless it IS your job in which case...this doesn't apply) is it is always here when you have time again!

Plus if you didn't make time fun, the gym, etc - would there be anything to blog about? There certainly wouldn't be for me!

Miss Riss said...

You're excused. These are all legit reasons =)If it makes you feel any better I've been back from vacation for a week now and my blogroll is still well over 200 unread blogs =( gah!!