Thursday, June 6, 2013

drinking responsibly

The name of this blog is a pretty good indicator that I enjoy a drink here or there.  And by here or there I mean I like to get black out drunk at least once a week.  It used to be a lot more so you can see I have really matured in my old age.

In addition to having an affinity for the drink however, I also really enjoy being healthy. I began juicing recently, I also run and do a shit load of yoga. Sadly, many signs point to the fact that booze is high in calories.

The "make you fat" aspect is really the only downside I see to drinking. I don't even mind a hangover because to be honest I am super witty when I am hungover. It's uncanny, I'm not even kidding.

So how does one cope??

Ten years in the business has given me a few tried and true ways to minimize calorie intake while still catching a nice buzz.

You're welcome.

1. Skip dinner. You will find that special place much sooner if you drink your supper.

2. Stick to hard liquor. Beer has a lot of calories. A quick shot of jack will pack much more of a punch and probably has less calories. I have never really looked it up because I usually find looking up calories depressing.

3. Avoid fruity shots and drinks. They are full of calories, plus that shit is nasty. Unless it is a mojito...then it is delicious, and calorie free.

4. Develop drunk bulimia. No need to count calories if you drink enough to throw it all up. You don't even need to skip dinner if you take the approach....I'm kidding, kind of.

5. Drink enough so you are so hungover you don't want to eat the next day. This has never happened for me. I typically eat like a sumo wrestler whilst hungover, but maybe you are different.

6. Dance your ass off when drunk. It burns calories.

7. Drink organic wine and vodka. It costs more and is probably just as bad for you, so I always go for the Rain Vodka.

8. Lastly, the hardest way: limit yourself to one or two drinks on week nights....sadly I have had to do this. I usually don't drink at all during the week and go bonkers on the weekends, but I am only human sometimes I need a glass of wine on a Tuesday.



Robin said...

Yah...this list is incredible. I laughed (alone in my office, when i should be working) three times! Awesome awesomenss is all i can say!

Kristin O said...

Haha. Drunk bulimia. I had that over Memorial Day weekend!!

Wine and Summer said...

Hahaha! I love this! Perfect list. I think I have tried at least 6 of them at one time or another.

Stephanie said...

Yep! My drunk bulimia skills are amazing. Seriously though, that's how you skip the hangover!

Anonymous said...

This list is incredible... and almost completely stolen from my head. Yay! :)

Drunk bulimia... damn, high tolerance. That almost never happens to me.

Chelsee W said...

Haha This is so flipping funnny! I agree with all of it! Esp. drinking your dinner is better than eating it lol

Carly @ The Pinot Project said...

This is fantastic. My drunk bulimia was really good in college, but once you hit a certain age I think you lose the ability to make yourself yak. I need to work on that.

Cortney said...

Stick to a liquor is my motto.. If you're going to drink the calories, might as well make it count! Thanks Rumple for being 100 proof. Someone once told me that one shot of Rumple was the equivalent calories of a Whopper Jr. and I punched them right in the face. Just kidding. But I wanted to.

Tami said...

Is it weird to say I wish I could drunk puke???? No idea why, it NEVER HAPPENS. Oh, it happens the next morning though. That's pretty.

Heidi said...

I am so guilty of a lot of these! Especially skipping dinner. I already know iI'll eat pizza at 2am!
And now in my ripe old age, I too, have to limit my drinks during the week...but it makes me crazy on the weekends! And thenI eat the whole kitchen!

Chloe said...

Boo moderation, yay beer!

No but seriously, I drink my calories over eating them any day. At least the booze makes me feel better! Lol.

Allison Seyler said...

Hahahah, you had me laughing out loud at my desk.

One of my favorite entries yet.

kathy @ vodka and soda said...

vodka is my poison of choice!

shannon said...

this is great.
it's perfect, in fact.
and i'm with you - when i'm hungover it's impossible for me to not consume everything in sight.

jonesyjl2 said...

Awesome. I wish I could be this open about my love for alcohol. :)