1. I spent a shitload of time at the dog park this week. What can I say, I'm a good mom. Fred made a new pal in this cute little boxer.
2. Wednesday night I did in fact have frozen yogurt for dinner. I went with the fat kid delight and that bowl you see contains not 1, not 2, but 4 flavors of fro yo as well as kiwi, strawberry, and chocolate chips. The winning flavors were peach and watermelon. I have wanted more since the second I polished that puppy off. Don't you dare judge me either, because by Wednesday night I had taken 4 yoga classes, so I didn't even feel too guilty about my diabetes dinner.
3. If you haven't been following #shitunclekennysays on Twitter, bitch you cray cray. He arrived on Wednesday night and has been making me laugh ever since. I am posting all his comments on my twitter, and trust me there are some doozies.
4. I took Thursday off work to hang out with Sir Kenny. It was nothing short of fabulous. We went shoe shopping, antiquing, out to lunch, and here he is at the sculpture garden we visited. It wasn't even my idea to go to an art museum, he asked to go...shopping and art museums are up there with drinking on my favorite things to do list so Kenny's activity choices made me real happy. I really love going to museums with Kenny. It is amazing how he appreciates and interprets things. Sorry I am a museum geek.
5. After our great day, I made a nice dinner for Kenny, manfriend, my buddy Mandy, and I . Right before dinner we got a pretty wild thunderstorm leaving everything a muddy mess. We finished dinner and multiple glasses of wine and magically our friend Natasha, who drives a pickup, showed up. A drunk Mandy decided mud wrestling was the best way to cap off the evening. A drunk me agreed. So that is what we did, we hopped in said truck and went to the nearest soccer field. We slipped and slided, and flung mud at each other. It was nearly as fun as it was disgusting. Kenny wanted no part of this shit, but he did watch and judge us from the parking lot. When enough was finally enough we climbed into the back of the truck and rode home, stopping at my apartment complex car wash station to hose each other off.
In case you wanted to know what manfriend looks like in blackface, here you go:
and here is a little song for you. It totally fits this post because it has the word peach in it (my favorite yogurt was the peach) and it talks about being in the dirt...maybe this is a stretch, but who doesn't like this song?? The answer: no one...that's who.

Followin' you on insta all because of Kenny and his playboys. Hahahahaha!
Haha pic #3 & #5 are hilarious! Looks like you guys are having fun with Uncle Kenny!!!
I've been basically stalking your twitter for Kenny quotes, I love them. That is hilarious that he wouldn't frolic in the mud with you crazy kids - he knows better!
Love fro yo and the uncle kenny quotes are too funny! Have a great weekend!
I've been loving the Uncle Kenny tweets! I get so excited when I see a new one!!!!
You put fruit on your fro yo so its totally healthy.
Umm in have now heard of uncle Kenny and now I need to go do that. Happy Friday!!
how have you not just permanently demanded kenny live like five minutes from you?
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