Monday, June 17, 2013

when I grow up...

There is a little blog contest going on over at Venus Trapped in Mars...

It is a cutest baby contest, you can vote for me here. Thanks.

If I win I will get a Sephora gift card and lord knows I can use all the help I can get in the make up department. Plus I spend the equivalent of a car payment anytime I enter that damn store so a gift card would be swell. And I was the cutest baby, so it is your civic duty to vote for me.

If you need another reason, just look at what my mean old dad said when I asked him to scan a baby photo for me.

He actually followed through however and sent me a bunch of old photos and in looking through them, I realized I am pretty much the exact same person I was as a youngster....just not quite as adorable.

I have always been a bad driver...

and a crazy dog lady.

I still love a good present, and the pound puppies.

Many people continue to think of me as angelic.

I always wear green velvet dresses for family photos.

And I will always enjoy being naked. Just ask my old roomates about my 21st birthday, or our trip to Jamaica. 


Chloe said...

There's nothing better than being naked. Or pound puppies. True story. Ask anybody.

Anonymous said...

Pound puppies are awesome. :)

Naked baby photos win it every time!

Stephanie said...

Hahaha! I love your dad, that's probably what mine would say too. In person, since he can't text.

Unknown said...

You are a cutie! Way better than mediocre!

~Anchored In Christ~ said...

Hey there. I would love for you to come join me at my blog hop. and link up Please be sure to share my button on your blog and in a post so all your blogger friends can see it and come join. as well as your fb blog page. Thanks.

Merchon said...

Props to you for the naked pic. Winner winner!

Monica said...

haha you were so cute! All my friends were convinced I like being naked after my first trip to Jamaica as well!

shannon said...

like it's the best kid picture EVA.