Thursday, January 9, 2014

when I'm sick

As I mentioned, I got a little rambunctious while vacationing in Michigan recently.

As a lame ass adult who typically spends her week nights running or doing yoga followed by a nutritious dinner and a little TV time, it was quite a change of pace to spend a week getting hammered at the bar every night and sleeping an hour or two before waking up to day drink and eat was only a matter of time before it all caught up with me.

I mean who knows, maybe I would have gotten sick anyway, I was hugging and kissing like 864545 people every day during the holidays, but I am going to blame the debauchery with lowering my immune system and rendering me sick as a dog.

I never get sick. Like it had been years. And then the day of our twelve hour trek back to Maryland it hit me. Fever, cough, chills, aches, all of it. So awesome.

I wasn't even able to go back to work on Monday as I planned because I was too sick.

I did have time to think of a list of ways the plague turns me into a whole different human while i was laying in bed for 16 hours just in case you were curious however, so here you go.

-I don't eat. At all. I literally ate nothing for 2 days. Non-sick me likes to eat about five million times a day, and if I skip a meal I get real crabby, not sickling though, she don't eat.

-I hate leaving the house. I knew I should go out and get some cough medicine but I could not bring myself to leave the house, this coming from someone who loves running errands and can't stand staying home all day on a normal basis.

-I sleep like crazy. I am not much of a sleeper truth be told, but when I am sick I am like an infant. Put me to bed and I will not get out of it. I am shocked I don't have bedsores after last week actually.

-I am lazy. Like no energy, any little task takes a lot out of me, it's so weird to me. I am a bit hyper one might say so when wiping down the counter exhausts me it is a bit odd.

-I don't want anyone around me. I love to be surrounded by people. The more the merrier. But when I am sick I just want to be alone. Manfriend doesn't quite get this one but he does mean well.

Here's hoping this is the last plague I come down with for a few more years. Being sick just isn't my style.


Kathy@MoreCoffeeLessTalky said...

omg you and i are the same when feeling ill. don't even talk to me or look at me; just leave me alone to die in peace. and please leave the medicine at the foot of the bed when you leave and shut the door.

i hope you're feeling better now.

Vodka and Soda

Morgan Sparks said...

I hope you feel better soon!! I get the same way when I'm sick. It's miserable!

Kristin O said...

Aww. I hope you feel better soon. It sucks being sick.

Miss Riss said...

I hope you get better soon friend!!

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

Hope you feel better soon! I am the same when i am sick. Park me on the couch with a marathon Netflix session and leave me alone!

Jordan said...

I got some kind of virus while in Mexico so I feel your pain. Hope you are feeling better!

Cortney said...

ugh that is the WORST. I always get sick after a week of being home.. it truly never fails. It's most definitely bc of the getting hammered every night, day drinking all day and eating candy. Next time, I'm switching out the candy for vitamins. Glad you're feeling better!

Margaret said...

Oh- feel better girl!! I'm definitely a no eater/sleep all day kind of person when I'm sick!

Rachel said...

I feel like being sick turns me into a totally different type of person too! Normally, I'm the kind who can never stay still and do nothing, but when I'm sick--I'll lie on the couch for a day straight. The sick version of me is no fun!

Stephanie said...

I'm a super baby. I won't leave either, so I make my mommy drive to get my medicine and then come over and make me soup. Like I'm 9 and not 29. No shame.

Amanda - Voyage of the MeeMee said...

I'm the same way. The only plus to not eating is the day after you're like "shit, my abs look GOOD!" One meal later, bye bye abs. :(
Get better ASAP! That's an order. ;)

SMD @ lifeaccordingtosteph said...

I want to be alone, in silence and preferably in the dark, with a glass of water. That's it.

Lions, Tigers and Fashion OH MY! said...

I hope you are feeling better!! I was in Michigan for the holidays too :)



Heidi said...

Damn, we have the same kind of personality when sick! I was just sick for 12 freakin days and I wanted to die. I went to work and back home and didn't want to talk to anyone or get out of bed. Hope you're feeling much better now!