I'll tell ya, owning a dog that's what.
Fred the dog in particular.
Fred was a rescue pup, so the actual cost of purchasing him was pretty low. All dogs need to go to the vet and eat and shit so I anticipated those expences.
What I did not anticipate was the money I would spend as a result of things he destroyed.
Don't get me wrong, Fred is one of the most well behaved dogs on the planet. I mean it. He is so good almost all the time.
But once in a while the mood strikes him and he just wrecks shit. And it is always something expensive.
I figured I would do a little tally of the items my little angle has cost me just to depress myself. So here you go.

I know this song is terrible, but so is the realization that Fred has destroyed over a thousand dollars worth of stuff, so deal with it.
If I tally'd up the shit that Remi has destroyed, I'd probably cry so I'm right there with ya sister
ha this cracked me up. just yesterday i spent 300 on sir scooby who ate crap and then pooped for 24 hours and had to be on an IV to get fluids back in him.
thanks scoobs.
OMGGGG I died a little with each passing line. I'm tempted to do a tally like this but I think I might kill myself if I saw the grand total. I don't know how they know what all the expensive shit is! It's never a 5 dollar pair of old navy flip flops. It's a $100 pair of heels (which I no longer buy for this reason)
Just added a new leading lady to my life two weeks ago…
I might steal your idea and just start my tally now. It'll be easier than trying to remember when I'm old and crippled.
PS. Detroit Blogger here :)
Have a great weekend,
Good lord! Maybe I can wait a little longer before getting a pup.
Hahahaha!! That song!! LOL! No but seriously, I'm cringing reading your list. I don't know what I would do if I had a dog that tears shiz up. When Maycee was a puppy she so much as put her mouth on a sock and my husband made it real clear we wouldn't be having any of that, and she's never chewed anything since. If they get into the trash while we're at work, we put them in their cages the next day. I literally could not deal with a ruined couch and a chewed up bathroom wall! Props to you girlfriend! ...and bad Fred, bad!
You better tell that dog to get a job! haha
Woof! I agree with Danae, you need a job Fred!! Thank goodness Hawkeye is too small to destroy anything. She's gotten a couple of shoes but even those, she doesn't destroy them. Just leaves a few teeth marks for 'character.'
fred needs to get a job and earn his keep dammit!!! but look at that adorable face!
the cost of a dog is like the cost of a kid, i swear.
Vodka and Soda
Fred needs to be on work release till he works off what he owes you! I so love my little dog more now. He hasn't destroyed anything though he barks at strangers i.e. everyone. Trade-offs.
The day I brought home the most expensive pair of glasses I ever bought, Gus chewed them off of my nightstand.
He also destroyed all things with wooden legs when he was a puppy. We still have some of the kitchen chairs from that apartment in our basement now.
Good thing they're cute!
Bahahaha... the song is PERFECT for your post!
But look at that sweet face... surely that sweet face wouldn't destroy anything...;)
I got so lucky that my dog doesn't chew on things other than his bed. I havent had to replace anything!
Hence the reason why we don't have indoor pets. :) Lots of my friends and family love their pets and couldn't bear to be without them in spite of the high cost...but me, I'd rather have a baby than a pet. :P I was just staying with my inlaws, who have two indoor dogs--their couches have countless holes and scratches already because of the dogs...
Ray Ban glasses.... ouch. When my dog was a puppy I could swear he had pica (the uncontrollable desire to eat non food shit). He had to have emergency gastrointestinal surgery...$2,000 later. Thanks, Maddux!
Seriously I feel your pain. Trixie hasn't ever chewed up expensive shit but enough little things that I don't want to know the price of. If we didn't love em, who would?
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