Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Jess and Mindy

My life as we all know is pretty awesome.  So awesome in fact that last night I came home from work, went to the dog park, then ate dinner in front of my TV.  I am wild.

I try not to get hooked on TV shows, but I always fail miserably.  I now have quite a few I am legitimately addicted to.  Two of my faves are Mindy Project and New Girl.

There is one reason and one reason only why I like New Girl, and that is Schmidt.  That mofo is so funny I just want him to have his own show so bad.  He is hands down the star of that show.  Last night I got to see him in a turban, I can probably die happy.

"I want to tell people about us because I think you are the dopest, flyest, smartest, ballsiest woman that I've sexually enjoyed in really long time"

"Nick, I came up with the best name for an uncircumcised penis: bishop in a turtleneck."

The Mindy Project on the other hand is just all around hilarious.  I crack up quite a lot while watching.  Morgan does have a soft spot in my heart however, and if I had to pick a faveorite he would win.

"Guys, I dropped a Mike and Ike on the Floor! I need all eyes on this!"

"How much for that seadog?"

I can't wait to watch some more TV tonight.  I am so cool.

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