As I've mentioned like 9,949 times lately (sorry I'm excited) Fred and I recently moved to Denver.
It is a long ass way from Maryland to Denver and Fred and I drove it. In just over two days. It wasn't nearly as bad as I expected it to be. I did feel like I was getting bed sores from sitting so long, my bike came un-strapped from my bike rack like 30 times and I am pretty sure I stayed in a crack hotel in St. Louis...otherwise it wasn't so bad.
Day one I managed to drive all the way from my house to St. Louis. That's 15 hours. I am still shocked I did that.
Day two I drove from St. Louis to about 100 miles east of Denver. I tried really hard to finish the trip, but I was starting to get way too tired, so I was able to pull into Denver around nine am on the third day of my road trip.
Here are some highlights from the trek:

Everything I own packed into a scion. That is some expert packing if I do say so myself.
Fred and I went for walks in eight states in two days. That is neat.

Our hotel in St. Louis was really sketchy. So sketchy in fact that even Fred was scared, we both slept with one eye open, and I set this trap just in case anyone tried to come in and kill us. In hindsight I should have left...but we made it out alive.

Fred was an absolute angel the entire 28 hours. He mostly slept or shared road snacks with me. He did manage to shift the car into neutral eight times and put on the hazard lights with his paw twice, but otherwise he was the best road buddy you could ever have.

At one point I got BBQ in Kansas and sat on a curb on the side of a freeway with Fred to eat it because I am classy. It was friggen delicious.

One of my best friends lives in Missouri, I was able to have coffee with him before I hit the road on day two. It was great to see him.

The road started to get to us when we hit Kansas...