Monday, November 18, 2013

the loosing chili...

Last week my work hosted a chili cook off.

We have every year, and for the past two years I have won "Best Chili Name".

And that my friends is an F-ing joke. I have no interest in winning best name, I want the coveted honor of "Crowd Favorite".

This year, I just knew would be my year. I searched recipe after recipe and thought long and hard about who would be eating this chili and what they would all like most.

I contemplated going with a veggie chili and then decided, no. This is a meat loving hippie food will not win the prize.

I considered making a ground turkey chili, but if there is one thing I have learned from is that low fat food does not win cooking contests. I even thought about tweaking my chicken chili recipe from last year and giving it another shot, but alas I decided on an Italian style chili. I thought it was a shoe in.

I regret to inform you my chili didn't win shit. Not even best name, which went to "Pull My Finger Chili" lame. I called mine "The Guido" which I thought was just adorable...I guess my co-workers aren't Jersey Shore fans.

Anyway, even though it lost, the chili tasted really good and I am going to share the recipe. Manfriend and I ate the pot of loser chili for like 5 days and never got sick of it so it can't be that bad.

The Guido Italian Chili

You Will Need:

Ground Italian Sausage
Can of Crushed Tomatoes
Can of Tomato Sauce
Can of Cannelloni Beans
Green Pepper
Red Pepper Flakes
Italian Seasoning
Chili Powder


-Brown your Italian sausage in a large pot until well browned. Drain the grease and add in chopped onion and peppers.

-When the peppers and onions are well cooked add in garlic and continue to saute another minute or two.

-Now add in your chopped zucchini, cans of tomatoes and sauce, beans, and all your seasonings to taste. I also added in a few cans of water.

-Simmer over medium heat for an hour or so. Serve and enjoy!


Miss Riss said...

I've been looking for a new chili recipe! Question: is this spicy? I'm embarrassed to say I'm a terrible weenie when it comes to spicy, really bad. Also, if I forgo the red pepper flakes do you think it will mess up the flavor or anything?

Helene in Between said...

aww man sorry you had the losing chili, but it sounds pretty darn good to me!

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

You were robbed!! Well it sure does look good, and Italian Sausage is my jam.

Kathy@MoreCoffeeLessTalky said...

i had chili for the first time this weekend and it was yummy! i picked out all the beans though to avoid suffocating my family with the impeding farts.

Vodka and Soda

Tami said...

I love chili like, so so so insanely much. I must make this when the south florida humidity drops below 112%

Amanda - Voyage of the MeeMee said...

Hahah... "hippie food" Looks tashty!

Unknown said...

My chili is always in the top two at my work's cookoff. (that totally sounded braggy...) I have never brought home leftovers. :)

(I have a super simple chicken chili recipe that I adapted from a Rachel Ray recipe)

Monica L said...

Ooh that chili sounds delicious! I can't wait to try it out

Davenport Spud said...

No wonder you loost. That's friggin spaghetti sauce with beans. Just because you're in the land where brotherly love means your kids will have pink eyes and a tail, doesn't mean that spaghetti is chili. Drive over to WahWah and buy a clue.