Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Drunkin' Chicken

No, that is not Jose's pet name for me, it is what I made for dinner last night.

And by last night I mean Sunday night because that is when I put that shit together.

So, to lay the ground work....every single Monday and Wednesday for the past 5ish months, I have gone straight to the gym after work, taken two classes, then come home at 8pm. There have been a total of maybe three times when this schedule has altered.

Without fail though, every Monday and Wednesday night Jose says he will have dinner ready, yet when I walk in the door he always says he wasn't sure when I would be home so he hadn't started cooking. I guess his cell service must get shut off on those days or something, I dunno. He also on multiple occasions has complained that 8:30 is too late for him to eat dinner during the week.

I don't know about you all, but if I get hungry I eat, I do not need to wait for him to come home. I know he likes to eat dinner together and all but come on. So in an effort to prevent our imminent divorce over this issue (can non married folks get divorced, I like to think we can) I decided to start using the good old crock pot.

I am always hesitant to use the crock pot because my mom used to make literally everything we ate in the slow cooker and after awhile it all starts to taste the same if you ask me, but I also don't want Jose to starve to death so we are going to give it a go for a while here.

Last night we enjoyed what I like to call Dunkin' Chicken and it was really friggen good.


Drunkin' Chicken

You Will Need:

Chicken (shocker)
1 Large onion
Red Skin taters
I bottle of beer


-Slice up your onion (I go for pretty good size chunks not diced or anything like that), carrot, potato, and garlic. Put that shit in the crock pot.

-Next add in a few pieces of chicken. We had bone in chicken in the freezer so that's what I used but anything will do. I didn't even defrost it first just stuck it in the pot on Sunday night and cooked it all day Monday.

-Cover the meat and veggies with a bottle of beer, a little salt and pepper and you are all set! Just turn the bad boy on low and cook all day while you are at work. You are left with a really simple hearty warm dinner. And your boyfriend won't starve. Win. Win.


Merchon said...

I love the crockpot! I will have to try this! I love eating together but it is so hard. I coach volleyball during the fall and he coaches in the winter and spring, so our schedules are all over the place so this is a good idea.
Ill let you know how it goes when I try it!


Morgan Sparks said...

We've made drunken chicken before, but never using a crock-pot. This sounds too easy not to try! Thanks for sharing!

Tammy Jo said...

That sounds super good!!!

Chloe said...

I love my crock pot. It's the most amazing thing ever. And if Jose can't feed himself than you've got bigger problems. lol.

Jordan said...

Sounds easy enough AND there's beer involved. Obviously I will have to buy a 6 pack to make this so this is a win-win situation.

Rachel said...

You want to come just cook for me?

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

Love crockpot meals! I have beer in the fridge too so need to try this one.

SMD @ lifeaccordingtosteph said...

Coming home to no dinner when dinner was promised is totally a divorce-worthy offense and yes you can get divorced if you're not married.

I do most of my cooking on Sunday to avoid divorce and/or murder.

Kathy@MoreCoffeeLessTalky said...

who wants to come home late and have nothing to eat? NOT ME. therefore i love the crockpot!

Vodka and Soda

Stephanie said...

Beer! I love the crockpot and I love any recipe made with booze.

Amanda - Voyage of the MeeMee said...

I'm with you... if I'm hungry, I'm eating. I don't care if it's noon. If it's 2. If it's 11PM. This bitch eats on the reg or shit goes down.