Friday, March 15, 2013

today is a great day

Today I turned 28 and I am happy and healthy.

Today I woke up to my manfriend making me a BLT bagel with cream cheese and avocado instead of mayo. (soo good)

Today my manfriend gave me way too many thoughtful gifts including several records and a juicer.

Today I got a package from my sister with a present and a hand made card from my little niece.

Today we have a pot luck at work.

Today my baby dog is ok and healing up from his accident.

Today I am going to Baltimore after work and spending the weekend with some great friends.

Today I am going to dinner at a restaurant I saw on the Diners, Drive Ins, and Dives!

Today I don't have to worry about how many calories I eat, because I know I will drink enough to throw them all up today.  (I am a drunk bulimic from time to time)

Today I get to wear a dress and high heels.

Today I am staying the night in a fancy ass hotel.

Today I got a zillion kind text messages and Facebook notes reminding me how lucky and loved I am.

Today I am not going to do much actual work at work.

and most of all.... might be the day I get a new niece or nephew.  My little biotch sister better pop that kid out today, I mean how hard is it really??  I want him/her to have the same birthday so we can have joint parties, because I think getting drunk around little kids is really funny.


Stephanie said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIOTCH!!! Don't die on me tonight, I'd be really, really sad. Puking is ok though.

Chelsee W said...

Saw Steph's tweet and thought I would stop over and wish you a Happy Birthday!

Helene said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! sounds like you got it good girl!