I try really hard not to judge. I mean it, I am pretty open minded and typically give folks the benefit of the doubt.
Every now and again however, I find myself being judgy. I don't like it, but it happens.
One thing I have been known to seriously judge biotches on is when they wear sports bras to the gym. I mean just a sports bra, obviously anyone with tig ole bitties needs a sports bra on under their shirt, but it has always really bugged me when I saw gals walking around half nakie in the gym.
I know it can be hot, but this is America, we have air conditioning...wear a shirt.
I'm not really sure if it is the fact that I thought these girls were being a tad flashy, or if I was just jealous because I did not have the abs of steel to rock this look, but mostly I think I just always thought it was unnecessary.
I mean I work out really hard when I am at the gym, I do spin and zumba and all that sweaty crap. Never once though had I been too hot for a shirt. That is until I started taking hot yoga classes.
Fred and I sprawled out after a yoga sesh |
Have you ever done hot yoga? Well when they say hot, they mean it.
I believe the room is approximately 4,599 degrees and if you go to the studios in the cool neighbor hoods there are at least 7,508 other sweaty ass yogis in the room. It smells really nice let me tell ya.
So I started doing hot yoga, and I quickly changed my tune in regards to bitches in sports bras. Instead of judging them I started thinking they were the smartest people in the room. It is honestly so hot you start to sweat before you even move a muscle and every article of clothing on your body becomes completely soaked. It's nasty and I swear to god if it was allowed I would take those classes in the buff.
I have been going pretty regularly several times a week and in each class most of the gals were practicing sans shirt.
So this weekend I thought why the hell not...I'm gonna do it.
I put all my insecurities aside and went to class in a bra.
And naturally I walked into a packed class and not a single other person had decided to leave their shirt at home.
I felt pretty uncomfortable at first I won't lie. I get weird about certain things, and I kept looking at my tum feeling a little awkward, and then I started sweating like a hog in whore house or however that saying goes and I got over it.
By the end of the hour I was thrilled to not have a shirt on and silly as it may sound I feel sort of liberated having faced my dumb insecurity by showing half of Denver my goodies. By goodies I just mean my sweaty ass belly, I left my other clothes on.
I guess now I will think twice about judging people based on what they work out in, unless it's jeans. I will always judge someone who works out in jeans, that shit's just crazy.
Also, if you haven't tried hot yoga you probably should. I hated the first class but once you get used to how friggen hot it is, it's pretty amazing. And it kind of gets you high. No kidding, it does and it feels good.